Worries for the plan

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Moon stood immediately up and beaten Freddy to the ground, but it didn't matter how angry he is, it isn't William who he hurts. Luckily Sunny restrained him from beating the processors out of the laughing animatronic, but obviously all around us stare with displeasure. They don't know that the virus from Moon is a person...they don't know that this is the child murderer who escaped penalty all those years ago. So the only thing I can say...
„Freddy somehow got Moons virus! Where are the mechanics for him?! We need to cut him from the power down and get back to the Pizzaplex before it spreads around the other animatronics!"
No one knew except me, Sun and Moon how the virus got inside their program after all. And since the whole separation was only to get the virus out of their system, it is the perfect excuse to not let this bastard on the electricity here so he could escape into more places.

Some were only than moving when Moon screamed angrily at them.
„You won't get rid of me so easy like last time. It was a mere experiment with Moon, but Freddy had finally extra parts from Bonnie, so it was easy to come back!"
An experiment...? All this pain and Horror he had to go through...JUST FOR AN EXPERIMENT?! He and Sun suffered so much alone all these damn years just so that he has an amusement?! I wanted to punch him in the face, rip apart all of this parts, but this isn't him. It's still Freddy who would suffer. Sun put one of his hands on my shoulder, all while trying to have Moon stay in place.

„I can feel both your anger- I am too! But we can't hurt Freddy for something he didn't do yet..."
That yet felt more bitter than the ruin of this party. We can't be sure that Afton won't kill with Freddy. We don't know if...we can get him...out of Freddy before we burn the Pizzaplex...there is no way that he would know our plans! Except...someone told him. Someone had to give him those informations. Or he heard it in the data base somewhere. I really hope it's the second one, cause I don't want to think that we have a traitor. The mechanics finally dragged Freddy away, at least his body. The person he is sharing it with is way more dangerous than anything what we have encountered so far. A deadly virus? No problem. Insecurities? Piece of cake. Abusive parents? Also still manageable. But a killer inside a strong animatronic?

And than my heart came to the senses that right now, the killer of my best friend was right in front of me. And I couldn't do anything. It felt horrible cold in my chest, so I hugged Sun and Moon. No matter what, he was still responsible for the death of my once best friend. I still fear his presence, even though I am safe right now, I still feel the anxiety rising up.
„I think it's best if we go back in our rooms and pack..."
Chica spoke really quietly, but everyone heard her in this silent room. Julia nodded slowly, also giving her piece of mind.
„Since we don't know if it's the same virus that Moondrop had, we cannot be sure if it's contagious to the others. The franchise already has a bad reputation, but we can't risk the main band to drop out! So please everyone, go and pack."

It hurt me a little that so many agreed to help Freddy, even though Moon was in the same position back than. Only because they have different roles to act on. I walked with both of them back in our room and sat down on the bed. This information still has to sink in me.
„I can't believe he revealed himself to us after all this time."
„How can we be sure that he won't be in the others as well? We don't know I-if he could be eradicated as easily as the virus and that was already hard!"
„Y-you...d-don't say that in case of..."
„...dismantling Freddy..."
„N-no! H-he can just get a new endoskeleton just like we did!"
„My virus wasn't in my program, but our body! But this psycho is using both mind AND parts!"

I also don't want it to happen. We might now get along very well, but he is important for the others. We can't decommission him just because someone entered his AI.
„W-we can't let that happen! I-it's unfair!"
„Obviously we can't, but do you want to have that chance of him spreading out into the world? Corrupting others and killing without a care?"
„Can we just pack and change? We can talk about it once we are back..."
Sun was the first who went to the bathroom, slamming the door shut. He must feel really bad since he had to suffer also through the virus without him having a choice...
„That's...definitely not how I planned this day."
„Heh...guess no one assumed that a virus was inside him."

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N Part 2 Where stories live. Discover now