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They really shouldn't let me sleep the whole I feel tired even though it's already afternoon again. I rubbed my eyes down in the daycare as Sunny's rays were whirling slightly. Moon was busy cleaning up since I slept till now.
„We wanted to wake you, but you were sleeping so peacefully like a child!"
„Well now I didn't work today..."
„Oh it's totally fine! You should rest after all."
I looked down at my bandaged hand and sighed.
„It's just a scratch Sunny, I can still work!"
„Absolutely not! I won't allow you to work under these conditions!"
„I worked under worst conditions, just let me help you to clean up!"

He lifted me up and put me at the calming down area. Moon also came now just as he put the plushies away.
„Where, when and what kind of injury did you work?!"
„It's fine! You didn't let me work for more than half of the shift."
„So it was here with us?"
„ were not so many bad things when I was hurt-„
„What injuries."
Moons voice was so cold that I nearly thought that we'd have winter again.
„Only small...well-mostly small ones."
„From what exactly?!"
„ was from the virus- uhm...the scar on my arm and others were just bruises or...scratches, just like right now."

They rolled up my sleeve to see the scar again, worried eyes were gazing on the scar.
„It's fine...the virus is over now."
„There is no way I would have let you work under those conditions."
„Sunny was mostly in control."
„B-but I also would never allow it!"
„You said I should take it easy and when I feel bad that I should stop."
„Did you?"
„...anyways, I can still work fine. This scratch on the hand is nothing that bad."
„No, it is. You got hurt because we couldn't protect you..."
„He can't even apologize to you..."
„Because he is still in this state. How long will be even in this hypnotized mood?"

They didn't say anything to that, so I assume it will take a while. Just another problem on our list. Speaking of those...
„You still haven't told me about why he is like that."
„Because no one knows. He never changes..."
„He wasn't that bad when you both had the virus."
„Normally our system malfunctions if we feel to many strong emotions at once. This filthy Montgomery had once one and broke his whole gator golf."
„You were with him when he changed. Have you seen anything or know why he broke?"
Strong emotions...sounds just like the virus.
„ was my fault for triggering it than."
„Why? Did you say something mean?"
„I said I can't love him like I love...uhm..."

Oh why is this so difficult now to say it?! I've said it already!!
„I-I'm sure Julia told you yesterday that...we three were..."
„I-in a romantic relationship?"
„Y-yeah...and Eclipse wants to be in one too, which I declined."
„Because you don't feel this love thing towards him."
„A-and for u-us?"
I got more nervous, looking blushing away.
„L-loving both of you is something I will never give up..."
„So you still love us as you used to...when we had the virus?"
„Y-yes...I understand though if it's not mutual."

Their sad faces made me also sad, clenching my heart together.
„Since it's getting awkward...I should head back home to my siblings again, since you won't let me work."
„C-could we see or meet them?"
„Maybe when the autumn vacation start."
„Aww...but that's so long till then!"
I smiled and walked to the daycare door.
„Be careful on your way home..."
„Don't worry, I will! Good night you two."
„Have a good rest at home!"
„And sleep or you won't be able to leave tomorrow."
I know that Moon will make his warning come true, so I just nod and walked home. Maybe I should also pay a visit to Michael. Couldn't see him yesterday anymore after all. Besides, I'm now more awake and couldn't fall asleep either way.

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N Part 2 Where stories live. Discover now