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Thank god the day is over. It was already a pain the last few days with those rascals, but since the summer vacations are finally over, the daycare will be way more quieter. Never thought I would love to see the kids go to school. No wonder why some parents love that children go somewhere for nearly a whole day to learn nothing in the end. Sun and Moon didn't mention our slumber party again, which I'm really thankful for that. I don't know how I would respond to be honest, but definitely not good. I hate the fact they have to see me cry so much.
„Y/N! Got a minute?"
„Julia! What's wrong? Isn't your shift over?"
She smiled while patting my shoulder with a confident laugh.
„I get to do some more hours here...finishing those upgrades we talked about last week!"

Already?? They said the parts would take two more weeks!
„Oh they will be so happy! Especially Moon, he waited so long for the face plate."
„You bet! Will you help me out again? No one volunteered again."
„Sure, it's just the faceplates so it should be alright."
„What afraid you see their new bodies naked?"
I crossed my arms and tried to bring my blushing down. Don't want this to happen again. Never again. The shower accident was already enough embarrassment for my whole lifetime.
„I'm just kidding! Will you let them know so we can start?"
„Sure, just wait a minute."

I climbed the rope up and grinned into their room.
„Has someone ordered upgrades?"
„Sunshine! You shouldn't climb up yourself, it's dangerous!"
He helped me up while Moon came out of the room too.
„Didn't you say that the parts take more time?"
„Julia came in and said otherwise! Ready to get those upgrades right now?"
„Why of course!"
„Will those hurt?"
„Nope! I will be gentle."
I slid down the rope, followed by the confused Moon and Sun.
„You will do This? Are you sure?"
„Just because I'm a daycare attendant doesn't mean I'm not learning something new!"

On the way to Parts and Services, none of them were scared. Normally Sunny would fiddle his wristbands or Moon would look uncomfortable. Now neither of them are scared or worried. Why would they? There isn't any virus that could make them think they get a decommission after every accident.
„Hey, Sun and Moon? I wanna talk tomorrow with you both."
„Oh? Did we do something wrong?"
„Oh no, I'm planning to upgrade your knowledge a bit up!"
„Don't you think it's to soon?"
„Better to soon as to late."
„You said you'd wait till they ask."
„Well I'm getting impatient."
„Impatience might not bring their memories back!"
„A little adult lessons won't hurt."

I could strangle Julia right now. My hands already were forming as they were around her neck, to which she just laughed.
„It's been a full week now. We can start telling them a bit more now."
„Why waiting for a week?"
„Because their program might be still unstable with the transfer."
„Can you talk about us when we are not standing five feet away?"
„It's going about your upgrades and memories, so I think it should be just fine if you stay here!"
„Julia I'm afraid that their memories won't return."
„What? You don't want your two boyfriends back?"
„We heard that word before! Eclipse used it."
„So we were boyfriends?"
„W-well...l-Let's just go to P&S already!"

Julia snickered all the way, even when I stood with Sun and Moon in the capsule.
„I suggest we do Moon first."
„Why me?"
„Because you need the faceplate sooner as Sunny."
„We only have to change our clothes after this right?"
„Yep! You actually don't need a new faceplate, but it would be confusing if you switch to Moons faceplate if the lights go out."
„No thanks. I don't want to see me in Sun anymore."
He lays down on the table, but still hold Sunny's hand for reassurance.
„Do I have to power down?"
„Last time I did Sunny, he was powered down."
„Don't worry Moon! I will stay right next to you till you wake up!"

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N Part 2 Where stories live. Discover now