The Beginning of problems

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One week has passed since Sun and Moon separated. Life has been normal again. I went to work, talked with the three animatronics and went back home to my siblings. My bed felt like my bed again and nothing was wrong. Except that Eclipse became more flirty. I wouldn't mind it, if I knew that it wasn't honest. Ever since Sun and Moon don't really interfere anymore because they don't have a reason to, he gets like this. I don't want to be mean and since he is the only one I can speak to about my feelings right now, my only option to get comfort. I sighed as I picked up the toys from the ground. It is faster, but it's not really the same. Nothing is.
„Y/N! Are you finished in the play area yet?"
„In a minute Sun!"
He smiled at the arts and crafts to me. At least his smile stayed the same...which I can't say to Moon.

I put the plushies back into nap time, where Moon made the pillows in order. His smile is forced and not sincere. The new clothes and parts are still not here yet, even if I gave them the outfit models. He also doesn't really seem to like me anymore...
„Here are the plushies for the kids."
„You can put them in a corner, I will do the rest."
„I can help! It's my job after all."
„As far as our protocols say, you are only here for our observation. So get out."
Moons cold white eye lights stared at me, not a glimpse of a teasing hint.
„But I'm also daycare attendant..."
„Not in my eyes."
I put the box where the plushies were in a corner and got out. It hurts so much...
„Y/N, will you head out again?"

Sunny rays shrunk in his head, sadness lied in his voice.
„You know that I have to go home! A-and Moon doesn't like me very much..."
„He is just a meanie! Don't let him get to you! We had Uh...problems...with observations..."
He fiddled on his wristbands and I had to immediately smile that this habit never died.
„It's's just...hurtful a bit. Moon was like that too when I started here..."
„And he wasn't before the upgrade for us?"
„No...he was kind and sweet...a bit of a teaser and really strict with safety and rules...but we were really-„
I cleared my throat and looked nervous away.
„Y-yeah...I should go now. Make sure you rest up!"
„Why of course Y/N! We will see you tomorrow!"

Before I could say something else, he went back to arts and crafts and picked up the glitter glue. Guess I should head home...I nearly mentioned that we were together. Julia warned me not to trigger their past, since they could get a malfunction. Either they remember themselves or...never...I opened the daycare door and bumped into Julia.
„Ouch...what's wrong?"
„ remember that I wanted to have some babysitting?"
I looked down and saw Haven next to her. Than I looked back up.
„Than tell Moon that I can stay."
„Why? Is he angry?"
„He doesn't trust me...he won't even let me do naptime with him!"

Julia snickered and patted on my shoulder.
„Leave it to me. He will tell me the reason."
I looked away and bit my lip. Yeah...he will tell you and not me...
„Don't be so jealous, geez..."
„M-me?! I-I'm not jealous!"
„Sure, sure. Don't worry, I already got my man."
„Julia please..."
„I'm just messing with ya! I will handle things with Moon. Can you talk with Sunny?"
Haven hold strong on my hand and hid behind me. Right...she wasn't here for months.
„Hey Haven? Sunny got a new Upgrade! Do you wanna see him?"
She shook her head and I sighed.
„Do you wanna have a piggyback?"

I lifted her on my back and walked to Sunny, who was done with cleaning up.
„Hey Sunny? Seems like I will stay..."
„REALLY?! Oh I'm so glad that we"
He walked close up to me and Haven and his eyes were literally sparkling.
„Wowie! It seems we have another guest! Hello little Haven! You haven't been here since forever!"
She hid her face in my back and I smiled awkwardly.
„Brings back memories...heh...she is a little scared of you and Moon..."
„Why is That? A-are we scary? We can change that!"
„No! No, I mean- not you- Moons faceplate is still the same, but! But! She is just scared of tall people!"

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N Part 2 Where stories live. Discover now