A little nightmare

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I got out of their cuddle, sitting up in front of them. My brain and heart still have to process what Moon just said. What they both want. Sure, they acted more humane and such, but how would we tell the management? What would happen if they decline? Shouldn't first priority be that they won't get decommissioned first? Or is this the reason why they want now out of all times?
„We asked if it's a problem..."
A problem? I would be more happy than both of them combined if they would be humanoid animatronics! The people who make the choices though aren't we.
„Does the management know?"

Moon sighed, taking Suns hand in his.
„No. They won't get wind out of it."
„But how would you explain if you two are not in those forms?"
„W-we...Uhm...we talked with Michael already..."
„He said if we...evacuate everyone in the right time, we will look like humans."
„Evacuate? From what??"
Sunny tried to take my hand, but I refused.
„From what?!"
„From the fire we plan since you went to the hospital!"
A fire?! Are they serious?!?
„How could you possibly think of burning the Pizzaplex?!"
„It's to stop this killer for good! Michael Said if we burn down the Plex-„
„I don't care what Michael says!"

How can they even say something like this?? This is their home! And this is committing arson!
„I would be happy to help you two with humanoid endoskeletons and forms, but not when you burn a building to it's ground!"
„It's the only way!"
„I-it would be better if the management would think that we are dead so we could sneak out..."
„...that's why you didn't do anything yesterday. You wanted to make mistakes, you WANTED to treat the kids not right!"
„Starlight. It wasn't our intention to let the children take part of our plan."
„We just want to be free from those commands and demands..."
I know that. I know that more than anyone else in this world.

„...I have to sleep over this."
Their request is generous. Alone the thoughts of them being outside and smiling more and more make me happy. I want to travel with them the world or just stay at home and cuddle while watching a movie. No one could disturb us. It would be a dream come true...
„Of course..."
„I'm pretty sure you won't sleep and just think about this matter."
Moon sighed and pulled a moondrop candy out of his pockets, slowly opening it. I knew what would happen, so I tried to stand up, but Sunny hold me on my arm down. He smiled apologizing, as Moon tried to put the candy in my mouth.

„Open up. You need sleep."
I shook my head, pressing my lips together. Moon clicked his tongue, growling at my unwillingness to sleep.
„Sunshine please? We can't be so sure if you will really sleep and not lie awake."
My reaction stayed the same. Sunny looked to Moon, who smiles suddenly.
„If you won't open your mouth, I will open it forcefully."
His strength would be hard enough to break my bones. However I need the time to stay awake so I can think about this more carefully. Burning down their home and memories that we made to be free? To live their life however they desire? There isn't even time needed for the answer. The answer is obvious.

I still was stubborn and didn't let the candy in my mouth. If we really are doing this, we need a better plan. We can't really live with Michael in the shack. My brother did say that he rents our house, so if I still wanted to live in there, he would gladly accept it.
„So we are doing this the harder way than."
My face flushed and Sunny's rays were whirling as Moon put the candy between his teeth, grabbing my chin. I didn't think he would give me it from mouth to mouth!!! He pressed his mouth against mine, trying to get the candy in my mouth. His eyes were staring so deep in mine that I closed them and tried with a shaking mouth to let it closed. No way this is happening for real!! When Moon noticed that I'm still persistent, he forced my mouth to open with his hand. I felt the candy slipping right in me and before I could even spit it out, he hold his hand in front of my mouth.

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N Part 2 Where stories live. Discover now