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I woke up as something was poking my leg. My eyes opened on its own and even wider when Eclipse stared down at me, without the doll in his hands. He continued to poke my leg, all while maintaining eye contact.
„No Cap'n! It's me, Fritz!"
Ahh...the ghost kid.
„Shouldn't you feel free like the rest?"
„Nope! I knew something was wrong so I stayed just in case!"
„Do you know than what is wrong with Eclipse?"
„Sorry, but I don't know. He ain't much of a talker."
„Figured, but thanks anyway."
I sit up and stretched myself. Seems like I did fall asleep with the candy drug after all. Hopefully I will gain some immunity against it some day.

„Do you know what time it is?"
„This thing here says something with nine. Never learned how to read da clock."
„Oh...well, I could teach you if you want?"
His face brightens up, making me chuckle a bit. Even if those spirits are filled with hate and rage, they are still only children who want to know more of the world. It's sad to see that so many children who weren't even fully in school got killed...
„Ya don't know how boring it is in his mind! All day long only plans and boring formulas!"
„Since you are now in control, so you maybe want to hang out with other children?"
He looked away and shook his head.
„It's been so long...I don't wanna talk to other kids."

I left Fritz upstairs in the room and said that I will teach him later once the other kids are sleeping. Sunny and Moon were both at arts and crafts, drawing with all the other children. They noticed me, Moon looking down at his paper immediately.
„Got nothing to say Moon?"
„Drug me again and you will get a punishment."
„And what?"
I smiled and sat down at an empty table where one child was drawing on its own. Sunny was also curious now what the punishment might be.
„I can't say that in front of the children Moon."
He will be so annoyed of it and I will love and enjoyed it every single second. But that mostly will not happen.

We continued to draw, till Julia bursted inside, holding a lot of papers. I walked fast to her, taking half of the stock.
„What are these papers?"
„These? Just the Petition things for Bonnie."
„Oh! So you got the acceptance?"
„Not yet. We gotta file them out first. But I thought you'd be a great help! Since the kids will beg their parents to also give a signature."
„Oh! Sure, I can do that after they finished naptime."
„Great, I will put them at the eating place for the customers. How are the boys?"
I looked back to Sun and Moon, who stared confused to us.
„Good...they are doing well."
„So~? No embarrassing questions??"

I only realized now what Julia referred to, coughing to hide my embarrassment.
„Not of your concern."
„Oh come on! At least tell me where you get those gloves from."
„A-ah...I don't know, a friend gave them to me. I can ask him the next time I see him."
Which will be soon if I see any more spreading of it. I didn't look at it yet, but from the feeling of it, it already reached to my wrist. I can't believe that I fall asleep with my heated up hand. Luckily Sun and Moon don't use the heating radar as long as a kid doesn't feel sick or if one is hiding really good.
„It seems your doing Naptime soon, so I will leave you to it!"
„Yes, thanks Julia."
„No problem!"

She left again and I put the papers on the desk. Looking over the files. Guess it will be a lot of more work. I walked back to Sun and Moon, letting the children know that we should head out to lunch now, as it is nearly naptime.
„What are these papers for?"
„It's for Bonnie's approval to be repaired again."
„Since when does one need an approval?"
„Since the management says so."
„I still think it's mean that they won't repair him now!"
„As Long as we get enough signatures, we will make it happen that he can be repaired."
„How much do we need?"
„...More than we could get in one week as it seems."
„We only have one week?!"

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N Part 2 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora