A promise

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It took me three days to build up the courage to go back to my siblings. The only reason I'm really going this early is mostly because Julia wanted another date night with her husband and I don't want Haven to be alone with the boys. Not that they can't stay alone with children, but I know that they both would feel insecure if a child doesn't like them. I also can't let Eclipse-well- Fritz stay alone for far to long up in the tower. It was really uncomfortable how he stared down to me as I was trying to sleep on the mattress. He wants to learn so many new things, but I don't wanna teach at night when it's past my bedtime. Moon would punish me with his candy drug again and I'd rather sleep without melatonin drugs. Not that I have a choice since he would do it either way, but still. Now I stand in front of our house, shaking with my whole body. Even if the the weather is rather decent, the cold runs down my spine.

Sadly it wasn't my sisters who opened, it was Chris again. He stared at me for a few seconds, before stepping to the side, letting me in. Right, my sisters are at school...
„You're back..."
„Yes...for an apology. I'm sorry I reacted to badly to you the other day..."
„No, it's...I just worry that you might die one day if you keep getting hurt."
Oh Boy, he might be surprisingly close to that statement, but I don't wanna spread panic.
„I know...but I'm an adult now Chris. You don't have to be the father role for me anymore."
„We both know that you can't take care of yourself."
„Hey! Just because I got into dangerous life threatening situations from time to time doesn't mean I don't know how to take care of myself!"

He gave me that „really" look before closing the door behind me.
„So...is everything good again?"
„Will you take Laura and Hailey for a bit with you in the daycare?"
„Sure, you seem really busy."
„Yeah, Most cases are from clients with charged murder."
I looked at the table, even more filled with folders as the last time I was here. Guess he was to busy taking care of our sisters...
„Don't worry, I will pick them up from School today and take them to the daycare."
„For how long?"
„As Long as you need to finish your work and to catch a break."

Chris snickered and tossled my hair.
„You can't take them for months."
„I can. Gotta work Nightshift again today, so you make sure you catch a break before I get home with these two demon children."
„You will not let them out of sight?"
„...Fine. But if it gets to much, come back home and take a break."
„Take a break from what? I'm totally fine."
He grabbed my arm, but I couldn't feel the pressure. I couldn't feel how hard he grabbed. It was not even a feeling of sense. This damn purple thing spreads faster as expected. Of course I couldn't look as much as I wanted too, but from yesterday, it was already on my elbow. Now not feeling my upper arm is more concerning as Chris's eyes with doubt.

„Your not fine. You are clearly exhausted and haven't showered for days. The sleep deprivation is standing bright on your face."
„Your one to talk. I'm sure you haven't slept for days and couldn't even get a glimpse of peace."
„Touché, but it doesn't matter. You will take a break once I've finished most cases."
„Which will be weeks. Good we make that agreement."
„Yeah, Yeah, but can you shower? Your reeking of metal and sweat."
Showering. I haven't let water touch the scratch and the violet spots since it was on my skin. I mean what's the worst that can happen? Painful stinging? Yet it is a good chance to pack my things. The most important reason I came here.

I went upstairs and hopped into the shower, looking at the running water. It can't be that bad...just because it's a remnant made for souls to be trapped, doesn't mean it will have a chemical reaction to water. Not all things have a reaction with water. I closed my eyes and stood under the water, expecting something to happen. Anything. Yet it didn't. It didn't hurt or got hot. I'm still a little scared to touch it though. Although...it didn't get hot for a while now. In fact, it stayed cold and not sensible. Maybe it changed as it was spreading? I touched my arm and felt thousand needles shudder through it. I got down on my knees, biting my lip bloody. The pain is so much in my arm that I want to cut it off!! I tried my best to get over with it and to wash myself up, but the pain is numbing my body. It was even hard to breath normally. It got hotter, so I stopped the shower and sat down with a towel on the warm carpet.

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N Part 2 Where stories live. Discover now