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„S-sunshine?? Are you alright?"
I looked red headed in the mirror and looked at my swollen lips. I know that Moons punishments are no joke, but I didn't think the kisses would swell my lips to that extent!
„It's not like no one knows that we are partners."
„I-I don't think that's the point..."
„Than what is it? Do their lips hurt? Is it uncomfortable?"
Sun and Moon stood at the door frame, arguing just to a slight amount. It's not a problem that it's seeable...but Julia and her questions are. If the party could be at least in a bad lighting today, it could be an excuse. Yet the costume for the Halloween themed one has not even a mask for me. How am I gonna dodge her for the whole day??

„I won't kiss so aggressively next time, but I assumed you liked it, considering you said so the last time."
„That was months ago..."
„So? You still liked it. And I loved how Sunny got so jealous he snatched you away from me and hugged you alone all night."
„You had to charge and Y/N needed sleep just as much as I do!"
„That doesn't give you the right to not let me have quality cuddle time."
„Neither for you to kiss them till they pass out of lack of oxygen!"
„Now I know when to stop."
„Oh really? I bet with you that you won't stop in the right time again."
„I can't help that Y/N is so lovely that I loose myself."

And those two don't help me to have a calm mind too. True, I can't remember anything else after Moon kissed me out of the blue after returning to our rooms, but really? Complementing me now? I don't even dare to look to Moon, as I am sure his eye lights are too bright again. And my embarrassment reaches the peak yet again.
„C-can you two stop now? We have to get ready for the party..."
„Oh right! But why would you need to get ready? You are already beautiful enough!"
„Sun is right, you don't need to get ready."
„Did-...did no one tell you what kind of party is today?"
„No? Is it something special?"
I walked sighing to the wardrobe and got two bags out. One of them was for Moon and the other was for Sunny.

Both looked smiling to me.
„Are these our presents??"
„Well...I can't go alone to this party as a masked one."
„So it's a mask ball?"
„Just open the bags."
They opened the bags and pulled their costumes out. Sunny immediately lighten up, but Moon looked without changing his expression.
„Wowie! I can really be a werewolf?! Moon isn't that great-...pff."
„Y/N, Starlight. Do you fully mean that?"
„C-come on Moon! I-it w-would look g-great on you."
„Don't try to hide your laughing."
„Well you do seem to like my blood, so I thought a vampire would suit you."

Moon mumbled and looked away.
„I haven't even drink your blood and you accuse me of a vampire?"
„So you wanna drink it?"
„Moon! How could you ever think of that?"
„I didn't!"
„I'm only joking Moon haha! But are you really against it?"
„ makes me feel evil. Like I'm the bad guy no one likes..."
„But that's not true! Vampires are sometimes really good people! In their own way of course..."
„Do you didn't get it to mock me?"
„Why would I ever mock you like that?! I love you Moon! I will try to get another costume if you don't want that..."

I didn't think of that when I saw the oversized costumes in the store. I just thought that the dark colors would match Moon well...and that he also loves the night, that he is intelligent and caring for those he loves. It really wasn't my intent to put it like that...
„No it's fine...I like your theory more."
„What does mine stand for than?"
„Well you can't be alone, but you are very protective! Also you are a great cuddler."
„Did you hear that Moon?? I'm a great cuddler!"
„Yeah yeah...what is your costume than Y/N?"
„Since it is a Halloween party, I can't go as a favorite movie or series character, mainly due to the fact I couldn't find a costume in time, but I got something else."

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N Part 2 Where stories live. Discover now