excerpt: "for me"

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dec./20/2022, 12:10 AM

"You don't have to try so hard for me, you know."

"You being here is enough for me."

"You have your own problems to deal with."

"It's not fair to also have you bear mine."

"But it's also not fair for you to go through all this alone."

"I know. But don't push yourself for me."

"As long as you listen, as long as you're here next to me, I'll live to see another day."

"Everyone's left where you stayed."

"To have you by my side is a gift I don't deserve."

"I don't want to lose you like I lost them."

"So please, don't go to the ends of the earth for me."

"Just stay and talk to me. Then I'll be alright."

"I will."

"I promise."

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