that time of the year

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dec./21/2020, 12:55 PM

It's almost Christmas. A year after I thought I'd finally be happy. I don't want to think about that moment, I don't want to remember it. It was such a happy day, but now it brings so much pain.

I want to forget. I need the pain to go away. I want to fall asleep and wake up with no memory of that day.

But I know it'll never happen. I'll be stuck with that pain for years to come. The only way to stop that pain is for you to feel what I feel for you. But, then again, I know it'll never happen.

I'm hurt, and you're the only one that can soothe me. You have your own problems and I don't want to bother you because of that.

It's either I keep hurting or I ease my pain but hurt you in the process. I can't hurt you. I'd die if I ever hurt you. So I'll stay silent.

I'll only drop a subtle hint and that's all. I don't wanna prolong something only you can stop now. So I'll let you be, and mask my pain with a simple "Merry Christmas."

I think you'll be masking your pain too.

Or you'll come to me in pain, so we can both suffer together.

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