my promise to you

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nov./12/2022, 8:59 PM

i once promised her i'd give her everything

i'd show her the world

we'd see everything together

i made it my purpose to show my love to her in the smallest things

but now she's gone

and within my heart she left a void i can't fill ever again

a empty hole where a promise once was

i told myself nothing would ever take its place

but i was wrong

i don't know why

but you remind me of her

not in terms of personality

you two are worlds apart

and it's not in the way i feel about you either

i felt differently towards her

perhaps it's the way you treat me

but she never treated me like you do

you're more affectionate than her

in the end

i'm simply not sure why i feel like this

but i do know it feels right

and i never told you directly

nor did i notice until now

but i slowly started making the same promise i made to her

to you instead

now i would give you the world

i would show you the world

i would die for you

i would kill for you

i would sacrifice it all

just for you

that is my promise to you

and i hope i don't have to break it once more

midnight thoughtsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora