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jan./18/2022, 12:11 AM

i heard you sing today

such a soft and comforting voice

though you were far

i still heard you

oh how i love your voice


how i love you

i can never stop loving you

you are the one person i have always longed for

one that loves me as the sun loves the moon

but deep down

a part of me wishes that i did not love you

that you were not the person i want

because you are far too good for me

if you were to be mine

all i would do is poison you more than you already are

i do not want that

but i cannot help but love you

whenever my nightmares disappear

i dream of you

they are comforting dreams

i wake up in your arms

safe and happy

even the voices

as violent and malevolent as they may be

they quiet down whenever they hear your voice

they whisper calming words

words of love that they once were incapable of speaking

you truly are the person for me

the person i cannot have

for i am incapable of loving myself

if i cannot love myself

i cannot have you how i wish i did

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