Chapter Twenty Three

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Vampiric Romance Chapter Twenty Three

*Emilee’s POV*

“Jenn, what is your ability?” I asked.

“Psychic. I can see a person’s past and future. They will appear in my mind randomly. I control objects and people’s mind. I can do telepathy etc. Every time I practice my ability, I will use a lot of my energy. Jay forbids me to practice for a long period of time. So I just practice few hours a day with him and sometimes I will practice sneakily behind his back. I can also control elements too but not as strong as element controllers. Example, if I want to shift a rock to the left, but Jay commands it to shift to the right; the rock will shift to the right instead of the left. I mean he is the earth controller so his power is greater than mine.”

“Jenn, than it would be dangerous for you to hold my power.”

“But Emilee, Ren and Jay would not dare to use their power against you because they scare that they will hurt you. They are also element controllers. If elements controller fight against each other, the impact will be even greater. It is too heavy for you to handle. They can only coach you. But you need practice. I will be the best candidate. I can use my ability to assist you.”

“Jenn, I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“I will be fine.”

“No! I almost killed you yesterday!!”

“No, you didn’t. I’m still alive, aren’t I?”

“Jenn, no. Jay will never allow this also.”

“I know. We can do this sneakily.” I knew she will suggest this.

“We can’t. They can read our thoughts.”

“Just block them out.”

“I can’t. I do not know how.”

“I can teach you.”

“Jenn, I don’t think this is a good idea.”

“Emilee… Just once. We try once?”

“Jenn…” I hesitated.

“Come on. Just once? No harm trying.”

“No Jenn. What if I fail to control it? I will hurt you.”

“Emilee, you won’t hurt me. I believe in you. Because you don’t want to hurt me, so you will try your best to control your power right?”

“Jenn, if Ren or Jay finds out, they will be angry.”

“Just once. I teach you how to protect your thoughts. So… It’s decided! We will do it tonight.”

“Jenn, you just woke up!! You are still recovering. We can wait till you are fully recovered…”

“Emilee, we do not know how fast your power is draining you. We have to act fast.” She has a point there.


Jenn hugged me tightly. “I don’t want to lose you. We will be best friends forever right?”


She looked at me, waiting for my reply. “Yes. Forever.” She smiled widely and hugged me again.

Ok. So Jenn and I decided to hide from Ren and Jay, and practice tonight. I kind of feel bad hiding from them. What if something happen to the both of us? Oh god. I don’t dare to imagine. Ren knows that I blocked him out from my thoughts. Since he always has a habit of listening to my thoughts, he finds it weird that he suddenly unable to read it. I just simply said that Jenn taught me and wanted to have some privacy. I do not know whether he believes what I have said but he did not question any further. He just got a little unhappy about it. Just for tonight. Otherwise, I wouldn’t mind him reading my thoughts actually. I think I got used to it already.

“Ready, Emilee?” Jenn asked me. We chose a place further away from the main castle to practice.

“I’m kind of nervous. Maybe we shouldn’t do this.”

“No backing out now.”


“Ok. Let’s test out something simple. I will try to reach your mind. You answer me if you hear me ok?” Jenn asked. I nodded at her.

‘Emilee, can you hear me?’


“Great!” Jenn smiled at me.

“I thought only soul mates can hear each other? How do you come into my mind?” I asked.

“I’m a psychic. That rule doesn’t apply to me. I can enter anyone’s thoughts.” Ren didn’t tell me that.


“Let’s continue. This time you got to release your power.”

“Jenn, are you sure about this?”

“Yes. I’m ready.”

“Ok. Here goes nothing.”

I closed my eyes and concentrate. I feel energy piling inside me.

‘Emilee, you can do this. Think of a circle and trap the power inside. Open your eyes and focus on one spot to release that energy.’ Jenn told me. ‘I’m also trying you to control your power.’

I could feel another energy wrapping around my own. But my energy is very unstable and powerful. It is trying to break free from our control.

‘Jenn, I can’t.’

‘Emilee, you can. Just try. Please try.’

I feel Jenn’s energy tightening around mine, trying to help me to control. Trees are swaying, leaves are rustling.

Suddenly, there are footsteps coming towards us. A group of man jump into the castle.


Oh no. Things are just getting more complicated. Stay tune.

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