Chapter Five

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Vampiric Romance Chapter Five

*Emilee’s POV*

I could feel his breath fanning over my neck. His breathing is so rush and unstable.

“Ren?” I do not know what to do. I just stood there stationary, waiting for him to react.

Suddenly, in a blink of an eye, he’s nowhere to be seen. And then I heard the sound of glass shattering in the kitchen. I quickly rush into the kitchen and saw Ren gripping tightly onto a glass piece. Blood is dripping out from his hand.

“Ren!!” I rushed to him and took the glass piece out from his hand. The glass piece doesn’t look like glass. It looks like… frozen ice? But I didn’t really pay attention towards it. I turned to look at Ren.

His eyes aren’t hazel brown. It’s … bloody red. “Ren…?”

He pulled me into his arms. I stiffened upon his touch.

“Just stay like this for a while.” He said with a trembling tone.

Slowly, my body relaxed. I closed my eyes and lie on his chest. Did something happen to him? Why is he acting all so strange? But even so, nothing makes me wanting to leave him. Instead, I want to know what has happened. I want to stay by his side. But I’m afraid. I’m afraid that all this will just be a dream. When I wake up, he will be gone.

After a couple of minutes, he let go of me. I looked at him and his eyes turned back to my favourite hazel brown eyes. He on the tap and let water runs over his hand. The funniest thing is that there isn’t any cut. His hand looked perfectly all right. After he is done, he off the tap and wiped his hand dry with a cloth.

“Emi, go and change. We are heading for school.” Despite of what he said, I’m still standing at the same position like a statue.

“Emi?” He came to me and held my hand.

“I will explain but now let’s just go to school?” I look at him. He has a concern look plastering on his face.

After minutes when my brain registered everything, I nodded at him and walked back to my room to change. I picked up my bag and went back to the living room. He is there waiting for me. We are now walking on the streets. None of us is speaking but he just held on to my hand.

Suddenly, he stopped and gripped on to my hand even tighter. “Ren?” I felt weird also. I turn around to scan the area but there isn’t anyone.

“Ren? What is happening?” He has this serious look on his face which is really frightening me.

“Nothing. Let’s go.” He forced out a smile. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him as we walked. He’s being really protective suddenly. I know he is hiding things from me but I didn’t ask him anything.

When we stepped into the school, Jenn and the guy from yesterday walked up to us.

“Emilee..” Jenn looked at me and then to Ren, and down to his arm that is wrapping over my waist and then back to me again.

“Let’s go for class.” I told Jenn and wanted to walk off with her but Ren held onto me, not wanting to let me leave.

“Ren, I need to go to my locker to get my books.” He looked very worried.

“We’ll all go together.” Ren said. I then know that his entire time table similar to mine. And that guy’s name is Jay. He is Ren’s cousin. That explained why I may find him familiar but why I do not recall really seeing him? But I felt that I have seen him before… somewhere I guess.

The four of us attended classes together and every lesson I could feel many pairs of eyes staring at us especially from girls. I don’t need to even ask why and I know the reason is because of Ren and Jay. Both Ren and Jay are too hot and sexy. They attract attention wherever they go. I felt so insecure.

“I will only love you. Always.” Ren wrapped his arm around me and whispered into my ear. How did he know? Then, he planted a kiss on my forehead. I blushed immediately. I looked around to see whether anyone see that.

“We saw that.” Jay chuckled. Jenn, who is standing beside Jay, has a wide smile on her face.

“I.. You.. We..” I got so nervous. Why am I like that? It’s not as if this is the first time that Ren kiss me. Moreover is only on the forehead.

Jay and Jenn started to laugh at my nervousness. Ren pushed me closer and I buried my face into his chest. “Don’t make fun of her.” Ren sounded serious.

“Sure. Whatever you say.” Jay replied but I could still feel that he is still laughing.

“I’m going to the ladies.” Ignoring them, I run towards the washroom. Shortly after I entered the washroom, Jenn followed behind me.

“So.. Do you have anything that you need to tell me?” Jenn asked.

“I.. He’s Ren. My ex-boyfriend.”

“Ex-boyfriend?” Jenn raised her eyebrow. “You sure?”

I hesitated. No. I’m not sure at all. Are we still counted as couple? Or…

“Tell me all about it.” Jenn requested. So I went telling her what happened in the past between Ren and me.


Ren’s birthday is coming. What should I get for his 18th birthday? I am now walking on the streets, searching for a gift that is suitable for Ren. I have been shopping for 3 hours already. No luck. I couldn’t find anything nice.

I continued to walk down the streets and then something caught my eye. I looked through the glass panel and saw this watch. I think this is it. I walked into the shop and requesedt to see the watch that is being displayed at the windows.

I hope he will love this. I’m quite fond of that watch that I have bought for him. After purchasing the watch, I went back home to bath and change to get ready to meet Ren to celebrate his birthday. I’m so excited. I can’t wait to see the expression on his face when he received my present. He will love it, doesn’t he?

Just as I step out of my house, I heard clashing sound coming out from Ren’s house. I quickly over and knocked on his door.

“Ren!! Ren!! What happened??!” I twist the door knob and realize the door isn’t lock. I step into his house and went looking for him. I saw some shadows sway passed me and before I can react, everything turned black. When the next day arrives, I am lying on my own bed. Ren is missing. I searched high and low for him. I went to places that we went before but I can’t find him anywhere. I do not have any memories of what happened that night. That part of my memories seems to be missing. The only thing that I know is he has left.

Here's another chapter!!! Enjoy!! =D

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