A Lost Battle

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The next morning, we were told to act as if it was just another day. Peter and Simon would be taking over training the guard. Charles, Reilly, Lynn and Nathaniel were already on their way to Mercury. Angel and I walked to my inventing chamber. I would be watching over my four family members through my owl eyes just in case something were to go wrong. I didnt think about the "what ifs" since I had full confidence there wouldn't be any errors in my newest invention.

I also wanted to see with my own eyes, mother knocking Amelia out. It was something she learned from grandmother Amber. Maybe she can teach it to me. A loud voice echoed through my head stopping my train of thought. "Are you alright my Lady?"

I turned around, and there was Angel, three steps behind me. I sighed and responded with, "I'm fine." When in reality, I wasn't that fine. I was so pissed when my father made Angel my bodyguard. I told him off for an hour but he wouldn't change his mind. I was fine with being alone and protecting myself. I didn't need anyone to watch over me. I already had MIA for that. But thankfully, Angel understood my frustrations and kept his distance. Which I was thankful for.

But this morning, he was right up my ass. God, he was more overprotective than my own mother. I told him to be subtle, but I guess that's not in his skill set.

I opened the door and went inside. Blocking the doorway, I looked at my new bodyguard. "Alright. Stay out here." I was about to close the door when Angel grabbed it and opened it up again. "I think it's best if I'm there with you." I shook my head profusely. "No, no. It'll be fine. I'll be fine." I tried to close the door again but Angel was being relentless. "Penny, why won't you let me in?"

I knew the answer but I couldn't tell him that. I had to do something. I had to say something. But I said the bitchiest thing I could ever say. I smacked his hand out of the doorway and shoved him back. "Because I'm the princess and I know what's best." I said as I slammed the door in his face. God, that was so bad. I just hope he understands the stress I'm under today. I will apologize to him tonight though.

I got my owl eyes and put the mask on. And it was starting off well. I saw Nathaniel and Charles take out the guards at the backdoor. They all walked inside. So far, so good.

Third person POV

Lynn and Reilly took the small capsules of mercury gas, and threw them into the room of the guards. The gas went off, causing a thick cloud of smoke to raise up. After a minute, the men were still awake. That wasn't supposed to happen, they should've been half asleep by now. Reilly's eyes widened in panic. "They're not passing out."

Soon enough, the guard realized this was a set up and grabbed their swords, ready to attack. The family heard this terrifying calamity as Reilly spoke up again. "They're coming. What the hell are we going to do?" She asked in panic. Thinking quickly, Lynn grabbed Reilly's shoulders. "Nathaniel and I will chase them away from here and fight them off. You and Charles can get to Amelia. It's our only chance we have now."

Reilly nodded in agreement. Lynn and her husband got out of their hiding place and made their presence known. "Hello assholes." Lynn called out in a mocking tone. The men turned their heads. "Seize them!" A guard yelled as they ran toward the couple, passing Reilly and Charles, as they quickly moved to Amelia's chambers.

Back in Zodious, a figure clad in black, stepped out of the shadows, came behind Angel and covered his mouth with a black cloth. The chemicals laced in the cotton were enough to make Angel pass out in seconds. Once he was down, the person moved on to the heavy door, attempting to unlock the inventing chambor from the outside, unbeknownst to Penny, who was watching her Aunt and Uncle fight off the Mercury guards.

Rushing up the winding staircase and running through the long corridors, Reilly and Charles made it to Amelia's chamber. With one strong kick from Reilly, the door was opened. But Amelia was not in sight. "Where are you Amelia!? It's time we end this once and for all!" Reilly yelled as she and Charles looked across her room. Her eyes peered at a strange blue portal like door.

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