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I was born February eighteenth in the year 3026. I am a Pisces. As the fish of the Zodiac, I am an escapist from reality. Especially since my life was never the best to begin with.

When my mother was pregnant with me, she and my father were taken and imprisoned at a labor camp. They didn't know why this was happening to them, but they knew I would be born into a hard life. My mother nearly died from blood loss when she gave birth to me and was only given three days to rest and recover. She held me so tight during those days. Fearing for me and praying to the galaxy that I would be free and have a better life.

When I turned four, I realized the pain everyone had to go through. We had no space to sleep at night. We were only given one small meal a day and if we were to ever step out of line, we were beaten, locked away and at the worst, shot on sight.

I couldn't take it anymore. My ribs were starting to show and I couldn't bear to see my father get hurt after he stood up to the guards for abusing my mother. I had to get out. I needed to escape.

At the end gate, I realized that there was a small opening to the outside, so that night, when no one was looking, I sneaked out of my bunker and squeezed myself through the small hole. Then I ran.

I ran with a speed which I never knew I had. It was as if the wind was carrying me. I didn't look back, fearing someone or something was coming after me. I never felt so afraid yet free at the same time. When I stopped running, I was shaking all over. After I calmed down, I saw a small town in the distance. Maybe, just maybe, things would get better for me.

When I got to the town, I was placed into the orphanage. At first, things started off nice. I was given a small trunk of clothes and three meals a day. The owner almost reminded me of my mother. She was kind and gentle but also strong willed and smart.

But things were about to get worse. After the death of the owner, she was replaced by another woman. This woman was wicked. I wouldn't be surprised if she was related to one of the guards of the labor camp. The thing that pissed me off was she would put on a kind and motherly attitude when the inspector came. I wanted to call her out but I knew no one would believe me and I would get locked in the cellor for three days.

On the eve of my tenth birthday, I had enough of her abuse. I packed a small bag, stole whatever I could from the pantry, and ran away once again. Knowing that I was fully free and on my own. I found an abandoned barn that I slept in. It wasn't the warmest place but somehow, I always got a good night's sleep. I became a thief, stealing food from vendors who had their backs turned. And stole clothes from clotheslines after my own clothes became tattered and unwearable.

I lived this life until I was thirteen. Unfortunately one day, my luck ran out when I was caught for the first time. I tried to fight him off but he was too tall and strong. Before he was about to bash my head in with a rolling pin, a strong yet feminine voice cut through the air.

"Stop!" He looked up and his eyes became filled with fear. He dropped the rolling pin and got down on knees.

The woman approached us and I could tell by the fur lining on her coat and the small crown she was wearing, this was the Queen. Her husband, the King was right by her side. She pulled me behind her then faced the baker. Glaring down at him. "What were you doing with this child?" She asked.

"The little street rat was stealin from me! I was gonna teach him a lesson."

The Queen looked back at me. I never trusted the upper class and I certainly never trusted royalty. I knew they saw me as nothing. I wanted to run but I was frozen. I didn't know if it was fear or uncertainty.

"Since Neptune is under my jurisdiction, I will deal with his punishment." My eyes widened at that. She then grabbed my arm and we walked off into a more private area. What she did next came as a shock

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