"Slow down, drink some water." Jungkook said as he handed her a bottle of water.

After taking a few giant gulps, Lisa continued to scarf down the rest of the chicken wings.

Finally, after a belly full of chicken wings, Lisa , satisfied, rested her head on Jungkook's shoulder.


"For what?"

"Thanks for taking such great care of me ever since we moved in together. You treat me so well, like I'm a baby. I can barely take care of myself anymore."

"We're married, so I'm supposed to do all that."

"I'm scared that one day, something might happen and I will no longer have you by my side. Then I would be really sad."

"That's not going to happen."

"No, you're wrong. We're born alone, and we'll also die alone."

"If that really happens, I hope you can die before me. That means I'll be able to take care of you until you do. If I die first, I'll be worried, leaving you on this earth all by yourself."

"Can I understand that as, if you're about to die one day, you would kill me first because you're scared that I won't be able to take care of myself?" Lisa jokingly asked.

"That's a good idea."

"Hmph, no it's not. I want to live longer than you. Once you die, I'll find myself a retired hottie to spend the rest of my life with."

"I can guarantee that you won't be able to find anyone as handsome as I am. After all... we're a rare bunch."

"Here you go again." Lisa knew that her husband's arrogance was rearing its head again.

"Why did you come here all of a sudden?"

"We finished the meeting and I saw your WeChat post, so I drove over."

"If I hadn't posted on WeChat, would you not have come?"

"No, I would've come either way."

"Don't do that again, you still have to work tomorrow." Lisa felt a little bad for Jungkook.

There was a lot of work to do at JC, and Jungkook had to personally supervise many of their projects, so she knew how valuable his time was.

However, no matter how busy he was, he would still try his best to spend some time with her.

She wasn't stupid, nor was she oblivious towards all that he had done for her...

If in the beginning, she hated the Jeon family and Jungkook because of Uncle Watanabe's death, then now, after spending the last few months with him, the way he took care of her had slowly worn down the hate in her heart.

She even wondered if she should draw a clearer line about what happened. After all, Jungkook's parents were the cause of Uncle Watanabe's death and not Jungkook himself.

However, after all that was said and done, there was still that incident between them; they just both chose to ignore it.

"Doll," Jungkook turned around and whispered into her ear.


"I want to find an opportunity to tell your mom the truth and beg for her forgiveness. I don't want to be secretly married to you our whole lives. That wouldn't be fair to either of us."

Lisa's expression changed slightly when she heard what he said...

"I know what you're worried about. You're scared that your mom won't react well to it."

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