Chapter thirty two

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Back to Isabella's POV:

I woke up to a screeching of metal doors and discovered I had gained some ability to move.

However I was distracted by Matteo entering my cell by himself.

"We finally get to be together Isa, your needy husband can't find us here," he smiled happily.

"Your sick in the head if you think I'll ever choose you over him," I spat.

"Well you don't have that choice right now do you love?" He said with mock sympathy.

"When I get out of here, your going to be the first one I kill," I yelled.

"Oh Isabella. The only way you'll get out of here is in a body bag," he said with a fake pout before he walked back out, slamming the door harshly behind him.

I tried to hold my anger down when Neil came into the room later, with Matteo right behind him.

"You stupid bitch, you really thought we wouldn't find out," he growled.

My eyebrows twisted in confusion.

"About the ring," Matteo spat, ripping my wedding ring off my finger.

What about it?

"Your pretty little husband put a tracking device in it when it was made," Neil said angrily.

Matteo took the ring and threw it on the ground before stomping on it for good measure.

A small piece of my heart chipped off as my wedding ring laid on the ground in pieces,

"Matteo, get her up, we're changing locations," Neil grumbled before walking out.


Lorenzo's POV:

I could stop checking the location every five seconds out of nerves.

I shot out of my seat when the red dot suddenly disappeared.

"It's gone. Nico her location is gone," I yelled refreshing my phone .

Nico pulled out his own phone and tapped the screen a couple of times.

"Shit," he cursed,

"Can this plane go any faster," I yelled, throwing my phone at the wall.

"Let's go to her last known location and from there we will figure out where she is, but Leo you can't find her like this," Nico said, gesturing to my shaking.

I stormed over to the couch and grabbed my laptop, already doing more digging to find anything about her location.

"Boss, we are landing shortly," the flight attendant yelled.

And we were that much closer to finding my wife.


Isabella's POV:

Matteo lifted me over his shoulder to carry me out of the room, and I tried grappling tbd broken ring off the floor but I couldn't reach.

I knew I would regret it later but I kneed Matteo in the balls so he would drop me, after I hit the ground I swiped up the broken ring and little black device that fell out.

I shoved it into my pocket but the time Matteo shoved a needle into my leg that knocked me out.

I woke up in an entirely new building with a cell completed deserted underground.

"Fuck," I yelled.

But I did discover that I wasn't attached to an IV and could move my body.

I reached quickly down my pocket and pulled out the pieces of my broken wedding ring.

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