Chapter eight

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"He's probably abusive and a sex offender, not to mention he's probably gay anyways, but besides the point Papa, I heard rumors he's a diagnosed Psychopath and a sociopath too. And schizophrenic. He kicks puppies and orphans in his spare time," I rambled and everyone looked at me like I was the real psychopath.

"You are 27, not 5. You will marry Lorenzo next month," Papa says, trying to stifle the amusement in his eyes.

"Oh jesus christ," I threw my hands in the air, defeated.

"How soon can I get a divorce?" I added.

"Never," Lorenzo deadpanned.

"See he said we can never divorce, which means he's going to kill me when he wants me gone," I accused.

"Isabella," my father sighed.

"Jesus help me," I muttered.

"Before you go Isabella we have one final ask of you," Lorenzo said smoothly.

"spit it out pendejo," I sighed.

"I need you to take someone out for me, kill him." Lorenzo said, handing me a file.

I gave him a strange look before opening the case file, and dread immediately fills my stomach.

Niel McLoughlin, the underboss of the Irish mafia. And the man who sent the Irishmen to the warehouse.

"I knew you were trying to get me killed. This is a damn suicide mission," I hissed.

"You are the only hitman, or hit woman, that can carry this through," he said.

"I've done hundreds of hits. But this? I don't think I can do," I said quietly, dropping the file on the table and walking out the door.

But then I froze.

I couldn't let him get the satisfaction of me giving up.

I turned back around and snatched the file right out of his hands.

"Whatever, I'll die one day anyways," I grumbled.

"You will leave for Ireland In 6 months," my father murmured,

"Woo who," I said dryly.

"Isabella," Lorenzo's voice brought my attention to him.

He was extending a ring forward.

An engagement ring.

I took it from him and slid it on my finger, before glancing in his eyes one more time, and I caught onto an emotion I hadn't seen from him in a long time. But it was quickly replaced with a cold one.

"See you in a month," I muttered before walking out.

"Girl damn look at the rock on that thing," Gabby gasped, pulling my hand to her eye.

"Yeah yeah, I get it's big," I rolled my eyes.

"Which part of him?" Sofia smirked.

"Jesus Christ I'm going to pretend I didn't just hear that," Mateo muttered when he walked in.

"What's up Teo?" Sofia asked.

"I just wanted to see if you wanted to go to Red Buzz tonight," he shrugged, looking at me.

Red Buzz was a popular bar in town, which meant it was going to be crowded as shit.

"I'm in," Sofia chirped,

"In your dreams little Sanchez," Mateo snorted as I followed him out.

"You changing?" He asked.

"Meet you outside in 15?" I asked.

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