Chapter thirteen

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"Oh hell no," Gabby snapped, ripping the tequila from my hands.

"I'm going to need to get wasted to get through tomorrow," I defended.

"You absolutely will not show up to your own wedding with a hangover," Sofia added. Winnie automatically agreed.

"Please Gabby, be a good little sister and hand it over," I sighed.

"I'm saving you from yourself, tomorrow cannot go wrong. You will make the Cartel look like a joke. Is that what you want? To ruin us?" Gabby snapped, moving the alcohol even further from me.

She really did have a point. I had to suck up my tantrum till after the ceremony.

"I don't think I've ever stepped inside a catholic church in my life," I snorted.

"Then it will be a surprise," Winnie offered.

"I hate surprises," I deadpanned.

"I have specific instructions for all of you. Safety precautions," I mentioned. They all gave me confused looks.

"Gabby since you will be standing directly next to me during the ceremony, if anything happens you will go behind the altar, cover yourself as best you can until someone can get you out of there safely," I said firmly. She stared at me for moment before dropping her gaze to her baby bump and nodding.

"Sofia, since you will be the last one in the line, you will be closest to Papa and the exit. If anything goes wrong, you drag his ass out, do you understand?" I said locking my gaze on hers, she nodded firmly.

"Winnie. I know you've only been training for a little more than a week, but if something happens, you will be armed. Under your dress you will have a holster attached to your thigh, you will carry a gun. You will either help take down the enemy or you'll take Gabby out. Can I trust you to do this?" I asked, and I could see her hands trembling.

She nodded slowly and I let out the breath I was holding, finally getting everyone on a backup plan.

"We'll be ok. Sanchez's aren't quitters."


"I think I'm going to barf," I said, shaking my hands.

"Don't do it on the dress," Sofia cried out.

"Sofia, get your ass to the door, the first groomsmen is waiting to walk you in," Winnie whispered.

Sofia's eyes bugged out as she registered the music playing and she sprinted over to the the man whose arm so took, and began down the aisle.

"I'm serious Gabby,"I said, gagging.

"Don't you dare," she warned.

"Goodluck,"Winnie called, I didn't even notice her walking down with the second groomsmen.

"I've got to go, you'll be fine. Keep your head up, your a Sanchez. Act like it," she said before taking Leonardo, Lorenzo's bestman, arm.

Papa came over and everyone stood when we stood in front of the door.

"I feel like I'm walking to my death," I muttered to him.

He snickered and began to guide me down the aisle.

I replayed Gabby's words and kept my head high and carried myself with confidence and power.

I met Lorenzo's eyes that were staring deeply into mine.

His eyes did a double take of my dress and he swallowed thickly, and took my hand when we reached the altar.

Before looking at the him I glanced to the the girls who were already on their guard.

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