~Chapter 2~

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School time!! 

Sophie had really messed up at her old school. Since she had a photographic memory, she was moved up 2 grades since it gave her such an advantage. She was endlessly bullied and teased about it. Nobody seemed to want to be her friend, so she just let herself get carried away in schoolwork, classwork and books. But that was in middle school, when she was unpopular and lonely. She tried to gather some confidence in herself. This was high school now. She could be whoever she wanted. And maybe even make some friends! Sophie tried to decide how to act on her first day. She could be preppy, baddie, emo, nerdy or just... herself. But that didn't seem work out for her last time. She was a new person now. Sophie Elizabeth Foster, 14 years old and... she had finally come up with a personality for herself!! Shy yet friendly, likable, stylishly casual and a hopeless book obsess! Surely this would help her make some friends! Maybe the poetry club, or the Shakespeare fans.... NO! Sophie smacked herself. She was going to be popular this year, so nobody had any reason to make fun of her.

She stopped in front of the mirror and tried to play with her hair to make it stand out more, but her high bun was lumpy and her hair clips fell out. Sophie felt like crying. Of course she wouldn't make any new friends. She was the most bland, uninteresting person anyone could find, not even trying to change her personality would have any impact on that. There was only one hope left for her... The Vackers. Sophie's adopted parents had introduced her to their family friends, who had 3 kids and lived in a palace! Literally! It had to be at least double the size of Sophie's whole road. Anyways, the oldest kid.. well, adult... was Alvar, but he was off at college so Sophie never had a chance to meet him. The middle sibling was called Fitz who had a slightly odd first name... But Sophie was sure nobody teased him because of his stunning teal eyes and the immense wealth of his family. He didn't seem too bad to Sophie. But then there was Biana. A snobby, stuck up, spoilt, attention seeking princess! She had luscious brown locks of shining hair, unbelievably teal eyes, like Fitz, and the face of a doll. Sophie was pretty sure she had the whole Chanel company on her face. Nobody could look that perfect without some sort of surgery. It was unnatural! Impossible!! Biana had been wearing a gown and heels that day, just to relax in her own home! Did everyone at her new school dress like royalty? Sophie looked down at herself, regretting her choice of clothing. But she refused to pamper herself. She had everything she needed, and would NEVER waste money on ridiculous things like Biana's clothes for school! Sophie tried to get herself together. She sprinted to the kitchen, gulped down her breakfast, kissed her adoptive mom (Edaline) and dad (Grady) goodbye before running like a headless chicken down the street so that she wouldn't miss her bus. She scrolled through her phone for ten minutes whilst she sat on her own at the back of the bus.

She wasn't ready for this. She was still going through the trauma of losing the people who cared for her, who loved her, who... appreciated her for who she was. Not some mask she was hiding behind. But Sophie refused to let her sadness and lack of self confidence get the better of her. She was going to do this. She was going to face her fears, and win the battle against her doubtful side. Sophie thought of what her parents had always told her. "Sophie, think up and you'll easily fly. Think down and you'll fall." This reminded her to be positive, and somehow, it would all work out. She gripped her backpack straps so tightly that her hands went white. She then shook her head, sending all the negative thoughts to the back of her mind so she wouldn't have to deal with them until later. Then, she took a deep breath in and stepped off the bus into her new world. Her new opportunity to finally live the life she deserved.

Go, Sophie!! BE POSITIVE!

Have a great day everyone!! 

Eli 💗💗

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