chapter 26

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Today was the day of our mating ceremony, Cassandra and Lola have been here in my room since the morning helping me get ready. Adrian is also here playing with his toys. Last night Atticus and I went to our separate rooms after having dinner.

My dress come and it was ethereal, Joanne did a perfect job. It was a blood-red colour matching my hair and eyes. Mostly wear white at their ceremony but as I am a queen I have to wear something special. It was a beautiful dress with a long tail, full-sleeved. The stuff of the cloth was so soft and was shining in bright light.

Lola did my hair, she made a loose bun leaving a few curly strands that came on my face, and leaving my neck bare and when I thought of the reason behind her leaving my neck bare I shuddered. She left it bare for marking...!

I am scared of what has to come but I am also ready. I want him and there is no denying that. As long as he is beside me I am ready for anything life throws at me.

Cassandra applied a red substance to my lips and cheeks. It gives a natural look. I like the way they looked on me minimal but elegant. Lola gave me red beautiful glass heels. I was scared to wear them at first but when I tried them they were so comfortable and soft from the inside.

"You look beautiful Luna" both Lola and Cassandra gushed at me. Adrian also clapped when he saw me.

"Thank you for everything," I told both of them genuinely thankful.

"Come on Luna don't thank us, it's an honour for us," Lola said.

"Yes and now let's go your mate is getting impatient" Cassandra grinned at me and I blushed.

Then we all make our way downstairs. Two guards were following us, I have a confused look at Cassandra but she only shrugged.

"Alpha's order! He is being careful" she said. I nodded and kept walking. We stopped at the ground floor ahead of the double door. All the way I saw the castle was decorated with flowers. It all happened in a single day. I don't know how they did that in a such a short time.

The guards opened the door and I saw so many people gathered in the massive hall sitting in the seats, some even standing but the hall was full. I guess everyone wants to see their Kings mating ceremony. I glances around at the decorations, the room was decorated with flowers and bright lights. Everything was so beautiful and then I looked at my mate waiting for me at the altar in his royal dress. He was wearing a long dark red velvet coat over his white shirt and black slacks. His coat was tailing behind him. He was matching my dress and I felt giddy at the feeling. He looked so powerful and gorgeous if that is a word used for a man.

He looked truly like a king, his nose pointed upwards. He held himself with such confidence that makes everyone admire him. He was looking at me and his hard eyes soften immediately. His lips turned upward lightly. He looked like he is in a trance. His eyes never left me as I walked towards him, something pulling me towards him. The attraction was strong and I believe he feels the same. This feeling is so heartwarming and so comforting.

He pulled his hand towards me as I reached him. I placed mine on him and he pulled me up on the altar in front of him. A man with a white beard an elder was standing on the side, he bowed lightly to me in greetings which I returned.

"We are here for the mating ceremony of our beloved King who finally found his mate and our queen. We welcome our Luna in our pack." He looked at me and I heard cheers from the crowd. Some people were happy but some had a scowl on their faces. They weren't happy about me being their Queen because of me being powerless.

Atticus pressed my hand gently as if to assure me. I smiled at him in the assurance that I am fine. This time I won't run, God chose me as his mate and there must be a reason behind that.

The priest took a step towards Atticus and gave him the silver knife, my breath hitched at what was about to come but I remained calm from outside not giving anyone a reason to call me weak. He held my hand in his with my palm up. He asked permission with his eyes to which I nodded and closed my eyes. I waited for the pain but it didn't come and then I felt a soft peck on my palm. I opened my eyes to see him kissing my palm.

Then he looked at me and I held his gaze, the next moment he whispered.

"Sorry" and then I gasped at the pain, the cut was small but still enough to draw blood, he didn't wait after that and cut his palm rather carelessly, his cut was much bigger than mine and I could feel his pain along with mine but the look on his face tells otherwise, he doesn't feel any pain.

Then he joined both our bloodied hands and I felt a surge of power run through my whole body. I gasped loudly, the pain gone. Then he removed his hand and when I looked down I realized my cut is also healed and there was only some blood left and a small scar. His hand held the same scar.

Then he bend a little towards me so that he was eye to eye. He pressed a kiss on my forehead and then leaned towards my neck. I closed my eyes in apprehension. I could feel his warm breath on my neck, he placed his lips on the place between my neck and collarbone, the Palace which will be near his mark for the rest of our lives.

Then I felt his canines erupting and then he bit me hard, I screamed in agony at the pain but soon the pain vanished and pleasure coursed through my veins. I could feel warm blood running through my neck, it was my blood. He stepped away but held me by my waist. I feel dizzy because of the pain and exhaustion.

"The mate bond is complete, now it's our Queens coronation," The priest announced and I felt Atticus moving me towards a chair, he sat me down.

"Are you alright?" He asked his face etched with worry but I can see happiness too. In my world, it means we are now married. I nodded, and he sighed in relief and then stood up. The Ruth came with a padded tray with a beautiful crown placed on it. I looked back at Atticus and only then realized he was wearing his crown too.

He took the crown from the tray and turned towards me with a proud smile. I too smiled at him. He then placed the crown on my head as I heard the priest saying something in the background but my eyes were only on him.

"Here is our king and Queen" he announced and Atticus helped me up as we watched in front of us the people who were clapping and shouting at us happily. Most of them were happy, and few of them weren't I didn't pay any attention to them. I am now the Queen they can't do much now. I sighed sadly! But in my heart, I want their appreciation too.

Atticus looked at me and whispered something but my mind was hazy and I could only see his mouth moving but no words the next moment I saw darkness and realized I fainted.

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