chapter 3

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I woke up and looked around the room, I was hazy for a moment. Then everything came back to me, the dream. I saw that same place, that woods which have rectangular leaves and purple sky. But this time grandma was there and when she saw me she was stunned. I was about to go to her but then I woke up.

These dreams are getting weirder day by day. They are so intense now, I feel like they are draining my energy. I felt so exhausted when I wake up, they felt so real like I actually go there.

I stood up shaking all the thoughts away there are far more important things then worrying about those dreams. I have to take grandma for her weekly check ups and for lunch. That's our weekend ritual to eat at our favourite restaurant.

I got ready and after breakfast we were on our way to hospital. Grandma always insist that doctors can't do anything and she knows what's going on with her but I won't hear her. When we reach at the hospital her doctor, Dr Robert was waiting for her. He took her to a room as I waited outside.

After her check up doctor came out, a nurse was helping my grandma when I looked at doctor.

"How's she?" I asked, I was fidgeting.

"I am sorry" he said as he looked a little sad and I looked away from him, it's always these three words that je say to me.

"Her organs are failing, her lungs are 80% damaged, her heart is also 60 % working... what's more surprising is that we don't know what's happening to her. From outside she look fine apart from those usual fits. We can't understand what's happening to her" he looked confused.

"Thank you doctor" I gave him a tight lipped smile and walk towards grandma who was waiting for me. I then walk her to the car and sat her inside. I drove towards the restaurant, but my nerves were skyrocketing. I just want to lay down and cry but I can't do that because she doesn't likes it when I start crying. She was looking at me and I know she doesn't like silence but it's just that I don't know what to say to her.

I parked infront of the restaurant and helped her out as we walk inside. We sat at our usual table which was at the right corner and thankfully empty. I was quiet the whole way, as we sat down. The restaurant owner Mr Smith came to us to greet us. We are his usual customers so it was a give, I forced myself to smile at him.

"Hello my two favourite customers" he said as he looked at both of us with his charming smile. He is older and has salt and pepper hair, he is a very kind man.

"Hello Mr Smith, how are you?" I asked him with a smile.

"I am good, how are you and this young lady here?" He asked my grandma who playfully rolled her eyes at his remark. They are of same age and get along well so these types of remarks are shared between them. They got busy in light talks and I saw the waitress came to take our order.

I order our usual and looked back at my grandma, she was smiling at something Mr Smith said but I can see her face has turned so pale. She is beautiful, I was always told by my friends that I have the most beautiful grandma. Some people say that I look like her. I have red hairs and 5'4 height same as hers only difference is our eyes, she has ombre colored eyes and i have red eyes. She once told me that onlu i have the red eyes in my family. She has told me that both my parents were beautiful so am I. It runs in the family and I inherited from them.

When I was a kid I heard different comments about me. Some of them were that I don't belong to this world because of how unique I am but I don't find much difference. I am okay! I mean I have seen more beautiful girls in my life, its just my eye color that intrigue them.

"What are you thinking?" She asked me and I realized Mr Smith has gone and she was closely scrutinising me.

"Nothing" I said.

"What did the doctor say?" She asked me.

"Can we please not talk about that" I pleaded and looked down. She held my hand which was on the table and gently pressed it.

"I know sweetie, you are worried and scared that I will leave you alone but you have som many people around you. You have Ivor he will take care of you" she said but I shake my head.

"No, don't say that. No one can take your place" I realized I was crying. She wiped my tears.

"Don't cry baby, everyone has to die one day and I have loved enough. I am 70 years old" she said but I just looked away.

"What's happening to you?" I asked her looking at her and her demeanour changed. She knows what's happening to her but she acts like she doesn't.

"Please don't leave me, I know you can do somthing. Please" I said, and I don't know why I said what I said but call it an intuition. I always feel like she is hiding something from me something big.

"Celeste I... I can't do anything. I just know that I am going to die and that is soon" she said, I was about to say something but the waitress came with the food. Grandma smiled at the waitress and start eating without giving me a glance. I sighed knowing that she won't talk anymore.
On Monday morning, I had this feeling in my gut telling me that something bad is going to happen but I was just throwing it away. I have also decided that I will give Ivor the chance and try to be happy with him. I will throw the whole soulmate thing back in my head because nonw of it is real. Grandma is right I am not alone, I am making myself alone by not letting others in.

I went to office and did some work, Daryl was quite helpful today and was not meeting around. It was lunch time when I decided to have lunch with Ivor in his office. I went to grab lunch from cafeteria for both of us and smiled. I want to be happy and I will be happy. I told myself.

I went to his floor and decided to go inside without knocking knowing he would be alone, its lunch time so..!

I opened the door and the food bag in my hand fell down when I saw the scene infornt of me. There on Ivor's table was a girl as Ivor was standing infront of her and they were kissing but when they sensed that someone is watching they both looked at me and there eyes widened. And my eyes widened too when I looked at the girl infront of me.

"Taylor" I whispered and felt betrayed. How could she? I thought that she was my best friend but..... oh God! I couldn't wait there anymore and ran out.

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