chapter 1

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The whole day spent working and now it's lunch time. Candice and Sarah already left to the cafeteria but I was still working.

"Miss Whitlock, its time for lunch. Let's go" said daryl as he walked towards me and he seems serious for a moment than his face turn into a smile.

"Just five minutes more" I said but he was persistent.

"No 5 minutes, come on stand up" he said, sometimes I forget that he is my intern not my boss.

"You are so stubborn" I murmured as I stood up.

"Not more than you" he murmured back, I glared playfully at him at which he shrugged.

We both start walking towards the lift that will take us to cafeteria on the first floor. Daryl is working here for two months, in few weeks his summer break will end and he will go back to his college. He is a very smart and intelligent boy but careless. He has potential and he will surely succeed in his life that much I can tell. He is a good friend too.

"What do you want for lunch?" He asked me but then didn't wait for me to answer as he starts again.

"I will have a big cheese burger with fries and wings... and..." He was visibly drooling.

"You are drooling" I smirked at him at which he closed his mouth and I laughed.

The lift door opened and we stepped out. We walked towards the counter, I ordered a sandwich and an orange juice for me. And Daryl ordered his burger and fries.

After taking our orders I walked towards the empty table but was called by Taylor.

"Celeste over here" she called me and I half-heartedly went towards her. Daryl went towards his fellow interns mainly because he doesn't like Taylor. I don't know view but he say that he don't get good vibes from her.

I sat with her as another colleague of ours which is Taylors friend sat with her. She always give me stinky eyes and I don't know the reason why. I greeted her and start eating my sandwich.

"How was your day?" Taylor asked me with a beaming smile, that smile never leaves her face. She loves her job and is very good in it too.

"It was good" I said.

"Hello baby" a voice said from behind me and I felt kiss on my head. I closed my eyes knowing who it is, Ivor. He always does this infront of everyone and I am not fond of this PDA. Taylor looked away from us after giving a smile to him but the other girl Marina was rolling her eyes at me.

"Hi" I said with a small forced smile. It was all good between us until we were friends but now Everything's changed. He sat beside me with his caesar salad. He is a fitness freak and a very good looking muscular guy but still I don't feel anything for him apart from friendship.

"How was your day?" He asked me fondly.

"Good" I whispered lightly and focused solely on my sandwich.

"And my day was good too" he said with a chuckle, he was taunting me for not asking back.

"Oh" could I only say.

A Whole New World Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora