chapter 18

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I was cooped in the room for past three days not wanting to meet anyone. I even didn't want to talk to Cassandra, only samara would come with food. I haven't talked to anyone since that day and suddenly Alpha has started caring for me. When I awoke layer that day he was the first one who I saw. Samara told me that Alpha stayed up the whole night waiting for me to wake up and he was worried about me which was hard for me to believe.

I didn't talk to him even when he tries so hard, I kept ignoring him until he left. He hasn't came back since that which I am thankful for. I don't want to face him, I have made my decision and nothing can change that. I can't bear it anymore, this world is not for me. It never was, I don't belong to anywhere but I have had enough of everything.

I took a bath, changed into some clothes and then went out in search of someone who I know will help me. I met some Gamma's and warriors along the way but I ignored them all not even respond back to their greetings.

Once I was on the witch's floor I saw the same girl Emerald, that I met when me and Cassandra came to look for Esther, out of her room.

"Hello.. Luna.. can I help you with something?" She asked me and looked a little curious.

"Where is Eleanor?" I asked her, for a second she was shocked but then she overcame her shock and pointed to a room few steps away from us.

"Thank you" I said and went towards her room.

I knocked on the door and waited until she opened the door. She was startled to see me infront of her that I can tell from her face expressions.

"Uhmm hello what are you doing here?" She asked me.

"I need your help" I cut it short.

"In what?" She asked.

"Can I come inside?" I asked when I sensed Emerald was still standing in the hallway.

"Sure" she gave me a way and I stepped inside.

Her room was huge, there in the middle was queen sized med with green sheets. Her room was clean and beautiful just like her. She motioned me to sit on the couch but I refused.

"I want to go back to my world and I know that no one will help me here in fear of their Alpha so I am asking you for help" I stated.

"And why would you think that I will help you?" She asked with inquisitiveness.

"You are the only person here who have a reason to hate me and will do anything if it means I will be gone" I told her at which she smirked lightly.

"Actually you are right, it's nothing personal but I just want to be at a strong position for the safety of the witches. Many werewolves don't like us, even Alpha had a hard time accepting us but we need a home a permanent home." She sighed sadly and I can sense sincerity in her voice. She is doing all this for her people.

"Fine then help me open the portal and escape here, I will not come between you and... Alpha, it's not like he wants me. If anything he will be happy." I said and felt a pang of hurt at even the thought of my mate with someone else.

"No one has used portals in years only few elders know their location,if I am right there are about three of them in this realm but I know their exact location..." she started.

"I just want to know how I can open the portal and escape from here, I will find the portal on my own" I told her.

"Okay wait" she said and went to the bookshelves, she looked around for something until she found it. It was an old book with leather cover. She opened it and looked for something turning the pages until she stopped at one page.

"Yess!" She said and tear off the page as she gave it to me.

"It's written here that you have to put your hands on the stone and then chant this spell. It's in Latin..." she explained, I grabbed the page from her hand and folded it.

"How can I escape form here without being caught?" I asked her. She thought for a moment and then went to her closet, she pulled out a long black cloak.

"I have put a invisible spell on it, once you wear it nobody will see you and here..." she gave me the cloak and went towards her drawer. She pulled out a thread from inside, she chanted a spell on it then came to me and bind it around my wrist.

"It will mask your scent" she said and I can't help but think how powerful she is, I could never compare to her.

"Go from the back side of the Fort and keep walking in the woods. There would be some guards at the back side along the wall and the door open when guards came pack from patrolling which will be an hour later. So go before anyone came looking for you." She told me.

"Okay and thank you" I said as I stepped towards the door. I stopped once I was near the door.

"Please take care of my mate" I said and didn't wait any longer as I stepped out without looking back. There was no one in the hallway which gave me tha chance to pull on the cloak. Once it was secured around me I made my way downstairs and towards the back door of the Fort.

I walked in to trees ignoring everyone around me once I was sure that they can't see me. I followed her instructions and reach to the back wall, it was huge and there was metal door in the middle guarded by six guards. It was closed so I stayed behind waiting foe it to open.

It didn't take long before the door opened and few guards came inside after their patrolling. It was my chance to escape, I didn't think and make a run towards the door tightly securing the cloak around myself and the paper on my other hand which has a spell.

I was able to make my way out of the metal floor before they closed it. Once I was out I looked back at the doors closing on me. That was it... I will never came back to this Fort ever again.

"Goodbye Atticus" I murmured lightly.  I looked down at my wrist and realized that thread is gone which means they can sense my scent.

'No I have to run...'

I ran away in to the woods which look familiar, it took few moments for me to realize it was the same place from where I came. If I am right then the portal is not far away from here. I ran as faster as I can not waiting for a second to even breath until I reached those two stones. A sad smile wrapped on my face at the sight of grandma's grave. I sat down beside her grave and broke down into tears. She has left me all alone in this world. She should have told me everything before, she shouldn't have brought me here.

I wish I never came here...!

I was brought back out of my miserable thoughts by the loud howl in the distance and I knew instantly who it belongs to.

"He knows" I sighed and stood up. He will come looking for me if he is aware of my absence by now... or maybe not. Maybe he will be happy and make Elenaor his Queen.

I didn't dwell into those thoughts and went towards the two stones, I put my hand on one of the stone and chanted the spell written on the page, I repeated it several times until it opened. I sighed in relief but also felt like my heart is torn apart. I want to leave but I also want to stay...!

'No I don't belong here... I have to leave for the better" I told myself and stepped inside the portal. In a second I was on the other side back to my world. I glanced up and saw my car still where I left it.

Here we go, back to my own world... I will try to forget everything. It was all a dream and nothing else. Yes that is it!

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