chapter 25

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We straightaway head to the prison on the east side of the castle. We head out of the back door in hope that none of our mates see us. I know he won't let me see her and I want to see her. As we reach the prison few guards that were guarding the place looked at us.

"Luna," one guard said as he looked down at the ground not meeting my gaze.

"I am sorry but you can't go in, nobody is allowed to.." He said respectfully but Cassandra stepped ahead.

"Are you stopping your luna?" She said with a little anger.

"No beta female, it's an order from the Alpha... I apologise" he said looking at me for a bit and then again looked down.

"I know but I want to see her, please let us see her. Nobody will know" I requested at which his face paled.

"Please Luna don't... I... you can go but please don't stay longer than 5 minutes" he said.

"Thank you," I said with a smile as both of us walked inside, the guards looked afraid. One of them even followed inside with us. It was a long hallway with cells on both sides. It was dark inside, the only light coming was from the lanterns hanging on the walls. We stopped in front of the cell where she resided, some cells were also occupied and they were looking at me with curiosity. Some were looking with anger and some with plain curiosity.

When I looked inside the cell from the iron bars, I saw her sitting with her head on her knees. Her hands were bound in chains but the chain was golden with intricate designs on it. She didn't look up even when she heard us.

"Eleanor" I call her softly, her head jerking up instantly. She looked relieved to see me for some reason.

"Why are you here?" She asked as her face turned stern.

"You are here because of me and I am sorry for that. I want to make it right" I told her.

"No I am not here because of you" she shakes her head.

"But I..." I started.

"No Luna it isn't because of you, I did this to myself," she said looking down.

"Eleanor you only helped and I can tell that you are being framed" I don't know why but somehow I trust her.

At my words, she looked at me with tears in her eyes which proved that I am right.

"I knew that Alpha would know if you try to leave but still I helped you. I respect you as our Luna and we all are bound to follow your commands. I knew that Emerald was listening to our conversation and she would tell Alpha immediately" she told me and I was shocked.

"When she told him it was too late and you were gone, I never wanted you to leave. I was hoping you would be caught and Alpha would realize his love for you once he will go through the fear of you leaving. I would never think of his death. I respect him too much for that. I already told you I don't like him like that, I only accepted to be with him because of elders." She said

"Do you know who framed you?" I asked astounded by her revelation but relieved that it wasn't her.

"No but I am sure it's one of us, someone who wanted to be queen, who wanted to take your place," she told me.

"Luna please be careful, she will try again to take your place. I know Alpha would not believe me but I want you to be safe. Even though you don't have powers but I know that you are stronger than anyone I have ever met. You trusted me when nobody else did when everything was against me. You know the difference between right and wrong and that makes you so much better than those powerful being out there" she said.

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