"No worries I just came",he says and motions me to sit .

God I was so excited and happy about this date that I forgot what all I need to talk with him .

I don't want to make this date awkward .

"What would you like to have sir mam?",a waitress comes and asks us .

"You tell first",Rahul says .

"A latte would be fine",I tell her .

"Make that two",Rahul says .

"Anything else ?",the waitress asks .

"Not yet we will tell you later",Rahul says and leaves .

Their was a complete silence for a minute when Rahul decided to break it .

"I was the one who asked you for a date and here I am too nervous to talk with you",he says .

"Same thoughts I am also nervous you see it's my first date with someone",I tell him .

"You haven't gone on any dates?",he asks looking quite suprised .

"Nope never ",I say .

"Men missed out their chance so glad I am your first date",he says making me blush .

"What about you ?",I ask quickly to hide my blush .

"Yes I went to dates quite some times",he says .

Ofcourse who wouldn't ask someone like him on a date ?

"I forgot to ask you about your birthday when is it?",I ask him trying to keep our conversation going on .

"22nd sept",he says .

"No way we have the same birthdate?!",I say taken aback . We literally have the same birthday .

"Really your birthday is also on 22nd sept?!",he asks taken aback too .

"Yes it is wow what a coincidence",I say and he mumbles something which I am unable to hear .

"I legit got goosebumps",I say .

"It's not very easy to find your birthday twin amongst the people you know",he says and I agree .

The waitress comes and gives us our coffee and we continue to have  conversation .

"Okay so now tell me about one of the happiest moments in your life",he says .

"Happiest moments I have many",I say and think about a particular memory .

"Ahh right I would never forget it . The proud look on my parents face when they saw me at my post graduation ceremony it's a common happy and proud moment but for me it's extra special because in our family my other relatives were opposed to the idea of me and my sister studying and me going abroad to study . My parents had to fight for me and Di so that we could complete our graduation and finally seeing that their fight for us was worth it was one of the best feeling",I say as I remember the proud look of Ma and Papa .

I look at Rahul and see him staring at me with unknown emotions in his eyes .

"What is your happiest moment?",I ask him but he doesn't responds .

"Rahul?",I call him as I wave my hand infront of him .

"Rahul",I say again making him come out of his thoughts .

"What were you thinking?",I ask .

"Nothing it just leave it ..what were you asking by the way?",he asks .

"I was asking about your happiest moment",I tell him .

"Ahh my happiest moment .. I think it was when I was a teenager and I was school's under 15 football captain we won the competition and seeing the whole school happy made me feel so proud and happy",he says remembering the memories .

"You might have photos with your team if you don't mind will you show me the photo? I want to see teenage Rahul in a football jersey",I say trying to imagine him .

"Sure I have some I will bring it with me to the company sometime",he says and I give him a wide smile .

"Favourite ice-cream flavour?Mine is chocolate all the way",I say .

"Mango flavour ice-cream all the way",he says .

"Favourite colour?",he asks .

"Mine are dark colours and mostly black",he says .

"Are you playing 20 questions?",I ask and he nods .

"You haven't answered",he says .

"Ohh sorry mine are bright colours and pastel colour but my fav is Grey colour",I tell him .

"Favourite food mine is Non veg too , chinese and also I watch kdrama's so seeing their food makes me crave it do once I went to a Korean restaurant and ever since then I love it",I say .

"Non-veg , I can't live without it and chinese also I have seen Aashna eat korean food",he says .

"Me and her should go to eat Korean food together",I say .

"Take me with you also then",he says .

"You will try it with us?",I ask .

"Yup why not I love exploring various types of food",he says .

And like that our questions went on and on . We talked for a long time until we decided it's time to head back .

"Come I will drop you off",Rahul says .

"You bought your car?",I ask .

"Yup I bought today already planned to drop you off so I borrowed it from Chachu today remember it's weekend I live in Khanna mansion on weekends",he says .

I agree and go with him .

The car ride back home was in a comfortable silence as soft music played in the background .

Not long after we reached my place and I got out of the car and Rahul followed .

"It was great spending time with you",I say .

"Yeah it was ..Kiara will you go on a date with me again?",he asks I don't know why but this makes me blush ..

"Again? when?",I ask .

"This Wednesday?",he asks .

"Sure I would love too",I say and I was looking forward to our date .

I was about to leave but he stopped me .

"Kiara ...I ..can I nevermind",he says .

"What is it?",I ask and he looks at my hands I think I understood what he wanted to say so I quickly forward both of my hands .

He was quick to grab it and hold it gently . While we held hands I felt an electric shock in my body .

Bringing both of my hands near his lips we placed a gentle kiss on them .

Gosh my heart it started beating faster and heat rushed to my cheeks .

Rahul shyly runs aways after saying me goodnight and leaves .

I too went inside smiling widely and I processed everything few minutes ago .

Sorry I couldn't think of any more proper conversation but I will try to improve .

Also someone asked they wanted to see a deep conversation between Rahul and Kiara it's coming soon .

Do tell me what types of moments you want to see between them .

p.s. I managed to post chapter 12th today as I promised ! Yayyyy!

Next chapter will be up soon !

Stay tuned for it .


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