Keep your head on.

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Don't know where I am.

Dr Aiko panicked as he ran down the strange slanted halls, he didn't know what this was, where he was, why he was here, what had become of him? He knew he was running, his feet wouldn't stop running, there was screaming, there was a body, blue eyes. He knew he was running from something, something horrible, something beastly, something horrible had happened.

Don't know what happened.

He let out a scream and he felt something come forth behind him and grasp his leg, a beast, a monster, it wasn't SCP-096, it wasn't a man, it wasn't anything but his imagination, he felt his mind pulse as he ran forth screaming at the top of his lungs, it was right behind him, grabbing at his hair. It had a face covered in blood, it had just feasted, it was horrible, beastly, disgusting. He wanted to cry, he wanted to give up, he didn't know why he was here. He just begged that this was some sort of demented dream instead of a true reality, that was all that he prayed for, he begged from the bottom of his heart, he begged.

Head won't stop banging.

At last, he felt his foot slip across the fabric of his coat, and he fell, the beast coming up from behind and grabbing him, he could feel strands of flesh coming undone, he could feel his foot going, he could feel the agony, the true pain, it was all happening so fast, so disturbingly fast, he couldn't save himself, he couldn't save Ashton, he looked back, and he saw (name) right there, tearing him apart, the familiar shy guy watching above.

He was smiling.



"Hey, A-aiko? You really are freaking out, wake up." He felt a tug on his hair and a voice from the outside, the pain stopped, the world went black. He just found himself in silence, nothing more, nothing less. Just pure silence. It only lasted a second before he jerked up his head and let out a scream, falling out of his chair and hiding under the desk he had fallen asleep at, tears dripping from his eyes. "NO! NO! GET AWAY!!" He yelled and covered his face with his knees, this happened again, the tenth time in a row....why? Why was this happening to him? Why did his mind fear (name) so much? What was this?

Ashton stood there, a few other reaserchers were staring, one was calling for a doctor and the rest were just puzzled, or expecting it, this was happening often now. He sighed and bent down, the sound of his Metalic foot creaking against the ground. It had been a month since the Plauge doctor incident, things had gotten much better with John, he was so human, heck, they even let him come out and play cards with some other scienists and they all said he was a cool guy, no one was worried about him killing or eating anyone, but it was Aiko....Aiko could never let go. " it's okay, alright?" Ashton mumbled, placing his hand on Aiko's shoulder, who flinched at the action but then accepted it, it was one hand he would take. "What happened in the dream this time?" He asked, feeling a hint of dread that he already knew what it was, it was probably (name) and John. Ever since the poor guy saw them kissing he thought that they were after him, he had some paranoia problems, but this only made it worse...

"(n-name)....terminate...(n-name)..." He stuttered, and it was at that moment that a higher up came in with amnesiacs.


"Your move john, can you beat a queen of hearts?" You looked at the playing table with interest and kept your eyes peeled for any type of hints of him being able to beat you again. "Why, of course I can." He said simply, placing down two kings and shrugging with his large hands. "It takes a king to whisk away a queen with fate..." He grinned, looking at you. You couldn't help but feel blushed at that, but you loved it. Turns out John was a really smooth guy when it came to that sort, and darn, that wasn't a lie. He was like....too smooth. When he had a flirt comment, it came out loud and clear. "Darn, I don't have anything better." You sighed, drawing a card from the deck. "Oh, did you hear? A female personnel got knocked up by the hard to destroy repile after he broke out last week, geez, crazy eh?" You sighed, recalling seeing that personnel a while ago. "Ashton told me all about it, she killed someone else too, those two are rather....crazy." He shrugged, and then looked into your eyes. "But I wouldn't mind doing that to you..." He whispered, causing you to blush rather violently and fix your hair in a flustered panic. "H-hey! Wait for me to say yes to the ring you know...if that can even happen..." You mumbled, you remember something happening like that before here, but it was all expunged from the database, perhaps to keep others from getting crazy ideas that they can fix up dangerous scp's just like that, you didn't know much about it and you tried to pry some info from Dr ashton, but you didn't get any, which kind of really sucked. But hey, private data is private. "Ah yes...perhaps eventually.." He grinned, and then snorted. "The eye pods can be the best men, can you imagine them in tiny suits?" You laughed at that comment, and thought about that. They were currently being used to help with cleaning up after that damned statue, that thing really scared you, he wasn't a nice fella at all, like, seriously. Nope. "Heh, sounds good. Lets also bring scp-999 along, maybe then we can bring in that gooey old man." You giggled, you didn't know much about him and had troubles remembering the names of all the scps number wise, but this was your new home and you loved it here, it was great, there was food, it was safe for the most part, you had john, you had everything. You were just a bit worried about Dr Aiko though....he seemed to have a few loose screws. He wouldn't do anything though, right

Facing the shy guy (scp-096 x reader)(OLD WRITING)Where stories live. Discover now