Father, dear father.

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"Darling....put the gun down." Your father sneered, his hands up as you aimed the gun towards him, you hands shaking. This was it, you would no longer back down, no longer take another punch, you would be free no matter the cost at hand. Death was not in your interest. You would do whatever it took to live another day, you didn't damn care, this was it, do or die, you knew that if you were to fail or back down he would report you to the police. You couldn't have that, but you couldn't have this abusive monster ruling you anymore, it was over, it was time to be free, no more of this, you were going to liberate yourself from his disgusting abusive grasp at long last, no more, no more. "Put down the damn gun." He snarled and started towards you. "I won't." You snarled as at you pulled the trigger and his body hit the floor hard and blood sprayed onto your body, he coughed for several minutes until he was gone. You had used every bullet trying to get him to stop coughing, when that didn't work you turned to rage. You started to strike him over and over again. His bloodied body spraying liquids all over then gun and your hands, but you didn't care, this was your time, your time to be liberated from his grasp, your chance of freedom, and now there was no turning back no matter what. You were now a criminal and nothing could ever change that, but you didn't care, because you were free. "Goodbye...you...fucker." You blacked out and fell into the pool of blood, gun in hand. All the evidence would be there the next day when police came around, all of it. What a shame. You would be woken up in a pool of blood, the blood of your father that you shot dead and beat with the gun, next thing you would be taken away to be convicted, the case was so clear, it would have been more fair if your father wasn't a damn special snowflake in the world of crime, but no, he just HAD to be one of those, oh how it pissed you the fuck off, it just disgusted you, you couldn't stand it. Watching as they called the verdict, that final verdict- guilty.

His ghost came to mock you even. He had already won this war even in his brutal, disgusting and immoral death. Oh, you bastard.

"(Name)!, wake up!" You heard a familiar voice above you, to find that you were laying in an infirmary bed...at least you thought you were based on how soft it was, I mean, this was the softest there was around here...you couldn't get anything better no matter how hard you could try. You blinked a few times and then let out a cough, finding that the bleeding had stopped at last but you were soaked in a cold sweat, oh god...you had that nightmare again. "Oh good...thank god you've woken up, John was really worried, I'm keeping him posted and all that..." You slowly sat up and rubbed your head, you could feel a bruise from all of the pain that the D class inflicted onto you, it really damn hurt, it hurt real bad. Ugh. "...Where is he?" You mumbled, looking around to see that John was staring at you from right outside the window. "We made a makeshift recovery cell in his containment unit, only me of course, he still doesn't trust anyone else but you..and me now, heh." Dr. Ashton rubbed the back of his head, and then opened the door and John appeared to calmly walk in and then pick you up and hug you. "Yeah-ow, I'm doing better, you did a good job on that other D-class asshole." You laughed, but Dr.Ashton seemed to be thinking long and hard about something. "I'll give both you a moment, I need to think about something..." He mumbled, and left the room. You and John looked on in confusion, but you shrugged it off and john seemed to casually go back to hugging you. You were looking into his barren eyes, they really were more interesting than anything, instead of being plain old eyes, they had a bit of mystery to them...but you had already solved that mystery a while ago, heh. John curiously grabbed your face and pulled it in towards his, you understood the gesture right away and kissed him, john holding you carefully as the two of you shared an embrace...you could stay in this room together forever, nothing else mattered to you anymore, it was now that you felt at home, and that was what mattered. "So, I'm back and-OH." Dr. Ashton froze and took a moment to look at the current situation. ".....I'll be back in a few more minutes." He stammered and backed out of the room to probably grab some amnesiacs. "You know...I can get naked too." You smiled and started to unbutton your D-class jumper, but at that moment Dr.Ashton heard that loud and clear and ran back in. "UH- ACTUALLY I THINK I COULD TELL YOU THE NEWS RIGHT NOW." He blurted out, his face somewhat red in terror, this was new, really really new. John sneered at him but put you down carefully again as you waited for the news, re buttoning up your suit. "Yeah yeah, okay, what's the news?" You stuttered, looking visibly red, jeez, nice way to ruin a moment. Doctor Aston handed you a paper, and you looked it over. "This is my info, so what?" You mumbled, you didn't see any difference. "I talked with the boss, and lets just say that you're one lucky damn person, (name.) Welcome to the scp foundation, you are now a member of the staff and you will be looking after John due to your incredible breakthrough, thank you for your time, and we will be briefing you tomorrow." You dropped the paper on the ground. "My murder charges though..." You mumbled, and he laughed. "Cleared from the record!" You blinked and then smiled... at last, this was a new beginning for you, no, a new beginning for you and John.

Facing the shy guy (scp-096 x reader)(OLD WRITING)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant