Something from the past

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"Father, who is that man?" You asked, holding his hand as you skipped along, whistling to the sound of the snow from outside. "ah, that man there? That's John. He's going to work with us in our experiments." Your father whistled, picking you up all of a sudden. "You're a good kid, you know that (name)?" You giggled and nodded proudly, to be praised by your father like that was rare, you loved it, even if you had barely any time with him. "Now, remember dear, nothing you see here gets out, okay?" He said firmly and you nodded, looking into the glass cell. 'John' was pacing back and forth, he looked kind of stressed, but nothing too bad in the end, I mean...not to you at least... "Are you worried about John? Don't worry, he's in good hands now." Your father smiled at you, his (your Eye colour) eyes looking right into yours. He always had a sort of sinister look in his eyes, but it was a kind sort, you knew he would never hurt you ever, and that was the good part, no matter what you did, he was not the kind of guy who would hurt you. He was your father, he loved you. "Why is John bald?" You asked as the two of you finally finished passing by the upper glassed in part of his cell. "Oh, he's loosing hair, it's part of our experiment, don't worry, okay? John's hair is fine." He laughed, looking down at you. "What's gonna happen to John?" "That's enough." He suddenly scorned you and you whimpered, going quiet. Seems like he didn't want to talk about John anymore... But you looked back at the man, he was pretty normal looking, a bit thin, he turned his head, his eyes were white. But you didn't react, you just smiled at him and waved. "Hi John!" You smiled, and he actually looked back at you and gave a weak smile and waved back. "I think John is my friend, daddy!" You giggled, but got no response. "Yes yes, I can see." Your father sighed, seems like he didn't really like John at all.... Or care for him. The two of you exited the area and made your way into your father's personal lab, there was all sorts of data and tests lining the walls, you didn't understand any of it though, and that was probably why your father let you in here in the first place. He smiled and sat you down on a chair next to his before sitting down and gazing at his papers in concern and confusion. "What's wrong daddy?" You asked casually, scooting the chair up to him, only for him to sigh and lower his head. "John..." He whispered, and you blinked in confusion.

"John? Who's that?" You suddenly found your eyes open, fuck, you were still in the goddamn SCP shithole, and...great, good ol doctor jerk face who nearly killed you was right there. you blinked and looked around for a moment, turning your head left and right, trying to make sense of the area. "...I'm not sure..." The memory of your dream was fading, but that name....John. Something about that SCP and John....they you couldn't patch it together, you were tired. Dr.Ashton kneeled down beside your bed and let out a sigh. "Listen...SCP-096 never acts like that, the second someone makes eye contact, it kills them. I don't know who you are or what you have that makes that monster not want to kill you, but we need you to keep working with it." Dr.ashton explained, he had an intense look in his eyes, like a sort of terror but also relief, did he care about you? You blinked and closed your eyes, shaking your head. "How many people died?" You asked, you needed to know. Dr. Ashton just shook his head. "That's not important, what is important is that it was protecting you-" "so lots of people died." You cut in, hissing angrily. "Don't lie to me. I don't like it when people think they can do that." You growled, before realizing there was a firing squad in the room, and you retracted back to laying down. "I...I think we should speak to you about some details with scp-096. This is important that you need to know. It was recovered in a snowy area...middle of nowhere-" you felt your hearing cut out at that, a memory hit you again. The lab your father worked at, snowy-middle of nowhere, no, oh god, could it be true? "John..." You mumbled again, cutting off the good doctor. He froze for a moment, and then narrowed his eyes at you. "John....who is he?" He asked carefully, not knowing how this would turn out, but to be fair, even you weren't sure. You gulped and prepared to say it, but you stopped, you couldn't do it, you had to see that SCP again...because he just might be John. John...your friend.

Facing the shy guy (scp-096 x reader)(OLD WRITING)Where stories live. Discover now