The first day on the job

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You woke up as if nothing had every gone wrong, you found yourself in a better little room, your own bathroom, some more space, you were now working for the foundation, you were no longer a pawn; you were one of them. That was what mattered to you, because now you could be with John no matter what, no leaving at the end of the month, you were here and here to stay, and that really wasn't so bad. You were going to be killed if you were to be out in the world, so how did it matter? Plus this was nice, you were treated like...a human. Not like your father treated you. You smiled for a moment, it was funny almost. You won, he didn't win at all. Your father wouldn't be beside you in death after all, he simply was done for, nothing could bring him to you now, you were safe, free, well, this was as free as you could get but still, it was your freedom. You sighed and got up, walking over to the small kitchen that was equipped in the room, it wasn't much, just a little toaster oven and a sink but it was nice, you got a bit of food every week apparently for when you didn't want to come down to the eating area. You were opening a cabinet and grabbing for a bunch of grapes when there was a knock on the door and an unknown voice came from the other side. "delivery for doctor (name). Please confirm we have the right room." You scurried up to the door and opened it, still in the sleepwear you were given. "Yes, it's me." You replied and the man placed the box down. "Your work clothes are in here." He said simply before saluting you and leaving, well what do you know, this was...nice? You smiled and waved him off, he seemed pleased by that, almost as if that was an uncommon gesture in the building, well then, go you. You closed your door as you brought the package back inside and opened it, it was packed with a lab coat and attire. There were also several pins that you had yet to read. "Huh, might as we get these on and get going." You sighed, picking up the lab coat and changing into it, you felt a sort of importance surge over yourself when you put them on, you were no longer a D class, no more. You finished putting on the clothing and then you realized that there were three pin holders, you picked up the pins and read them each. "Assistant researcher under Dr.ashton..., Scp-096 crew, lab assistant." You smiled and snapped the golden pins onto your outfit and headed out, not before cleaning up your room a bit and then setting off. You walked through the halls casually, but you were given directions and you knew where you had to go, it was simply easy here it seemed. That and you wanted to see John, the two of you had gotten pretty into it yesterday...perhaps it really was love. No, it was love. You passed down the halls past several safe class SCP's, you found yourself having a little babble chat with the eye pods, and even having chatting with a worker of SCP 999, that was one you definitely had to say hi to in your free time. A tiny ball of orange goo that made happiness? Heck yes. You moved down to the hall where you were directed yesterday and next thing you found yourself in front of the room for SCP-096, you first knocked and then opened the door, low and behold there was Dr Ashton sitting back and reading a magazine and-yep, John was out of his containment cell. "Okay, but I mean look at the hooters on this one John-OH! (N-NAME)! HI!" He stammered and dropped the magazine, you only rolled your eyes. "Ill just pretend that didn't happen." You snorted and walked up to them, John jumped at you and hugged you the second you came up, causing you to laugh. "Morning, John." You giggled before you were put down as Dr. Ashton cleared his throat. "Well, let's get this formal business over with." He said seriously and then spoke. "Dr. (Name) welcome to the SCP foundation. Thank you for working with me and we hope to see you move up the ranks as time goes by." He then lost his serious state and shook your hand. "But seriously, welcome. It's good to see that you get to stay with us." He laughed. You shrugged casually. "What can I say? I'm pretty happy too." You proudly replied, I mean going from a criminal to a scientist? Amazing. "But first of all...I have some things that need to be known." You then took on the serious gait and Ashton sat down, he knew that a long story was coming. John also sat down, he had a pretty good idea as to what was coming too, I mean, well duh. "I knew John as a child. I saw him while my father was experimenting on him, we were friends. He made SCP-096. He made John as he is." You said firmly and stared right into Ashton's eyes. He looked startled for a moment, but then shook it off. "So that's why you and John are so close... I see. I already know what you want." He stood up and turned on the computer behind himself. You tilted your head for a second before realizing what he was going to do. "Buckle down, we're going to learn everything about your shitty dad that can be learned."

Facing the shy guy (scp-096 x reader)(OLD WRITING)Where stories live. Discover now