Suddenly everything is yaoi

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It was over for Dr Ashton at that day. Done. Gone. He lost his foot in this, this damn containment breach...he damn well knew he was never getting back in action, let alone if he turns but...they gave him the cure, but he hadn't woken up yet. He lay alone in the infirmary room, you were back with John until you had to leave for further notice, the both of you felt pretty bad for him...he had lost a really important part of his well...body. You know. "Other doctor..." John mumbled, and you looked up. "H-huh?" You wiped away a few tears and sighed, looking down, you were interested but you were just really upset with Dr Ashton...poor guy. He was downright done for now, you just wished you could have done something to help, but you were a coward. Just a filthy coward. "Dr aiko. He sent the d class after you..." John mumbled, you looked up at him and blinked. "Oh...I-is he coming back?" You asked nervously, you knew you would end up as his assistant in the end...not that you wanted to. "Yes...but..we can...scare him." There was a low cackle from John for a moment until he got back to flicking at the deck of cards you got, he didn't care much for cards, never did back when he was more human either. You thought for a second and then understood, Dr Ashton and John had become friends, if you could make it clear that you and John were close, that would terrify him. "Sounds like a plan." You smiled, and then looked down. "Paul...will be okay." He mumbled, letting out a sigh. To John, Dr Ashton was paul, a friend, not a doctor or researcher anymore...and he wanted him to return soon...he missed him. He missed him very much. It hurt.... that Paul was his friend, nothing else.


"so....he's out." Dr Aiko let out a sigh and mumbled something under his breath as he entered Dr Ashton's room, the man was passed out and was adorned with an oxygen mask, all kinds of machinery was around him, so many. He was positively out, gone, done for. The poor man was so badly injured from a single foot dismantling that he went into a coma...oh the pity in this situation was so tender, so gentle... the good Doctor Aiko was matter of fact rather worried for the other man.... truly he had been for such a long time. Then he learned that he was playing cards with the damned scp and all? The man was a fool, no matter how many times Aiko tried to transfer him over to a different sector he refused, he was utterly foolish, working with SCP-096... the fool, the damned fool. All that aiko wanted was for him to be safe, nothing more....well, perhaps a little more.

There was a light shuffling from dr Ashton and he let out a few mumbles, coughing for a second before he gained his bearings and looked at the ceiling, Dr Aiko rushed over in a panic, oh god, he was awake. " John and (name) okay...? I can't feel my foot..." he mumbled, looking around. He then spotted Aiko and froze, oh god, not him. "Ah...thank god you are okay doctor..." Aiko strolled over and laughed, cupping his cheeks. Ashton squirmed and kicked him with the stump where his foot was now, a sort of light laughter coming over him in a hit of anger. "Don't go near me." He coughed, pushing him back with his stump further and then retracted when Aiko backed off. "Fine...but I am only...worried about you." Aiko mumbled, coming up close again. Ashton sat up and then looked at him with a gaze of confusion. "Worried...about me?" He tilted his head in suspicion and let out a stressed mumbled, then glared at aiko. "All you do is try and get me out of that damned area don't you know that!? I get it, you don't like me being in the heavy containment area with john but just-grow up!" He spat, causing aiko to take a step back. "...John? That's what you call him now? What is this!?" He spat, crossing his arms. "That scp has a name. A human name. John. His name is John." Ashton answered and then glared at Aiko. "Listen here mr doctor smart. I know more about that John then you ever will, and you need to understand that." He hissed, sitting up further. "I would damn stand but I can't, I would sock you in the face if I could but I would be fired, god damn I hate you so much, you know that!?" Aiko was backing up now in a state of shock and found himself shaking, this man...this man that mattered so much to him was so full of hate, why...why was this? Why did he hate him so much? Aiko lowered his head and let out a mumble. "...I just want you to live." He choked, and the room went silent. Ashton blinked and then sat there for a moment, in a shock. He shook his head, let out a mumble and then a long sigh. "I....what the fuck are you talking about? You just...treat me like shit." Ashton mumbled, shaking his head. Denying the idea fully, such logic was pure blasphemy, absolute foolery, nothing more than a lie made to make him feel better. "Bullshit. Man, that's pure bullshit." He hissed, Aiko only came closer at that, leaning against his bed. "I....Don't want you to die. I've known you for so long..." He repeated, shaking his head. "I've always...wanted to protect you, protect you for so long..." Ashton blinked and shook his head. "I don't...what the...what?" He just sat there, confused. Aiko traced over his stump and then looked into his eyes. "I will protect you, I refuse to have you hurt....any longer." The two embraced into a deep kiss before Ashton pulled away, taking a few heavy breaths before calming down. "That's a good offer...but sorry. Can't take it." He grinned. Aiko snarled with disgust but savored the moment, finally....he had gotten his kiss. Finally the man he loved was....given to him.

//whoops fanservice, however, don't think this is healthy, Aiko is a bit of a bitch in general, just wait for further development.//

Facing the shy guy (scp-096 x reader)(OLD WRITING)Where stories live. Discover now