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You paced back and forth in your tiny room, d class sure didn't get much space, then again, you did kill your dad...although he did deserve it, but well...yeah, you still are a murderer. "John...." You mumbled again, you were supposed to be asleep right now, but instead you wee up and pacing, the possibility that the shy guy could be John was overwhelming, everything looked so just-you didn't know what to think about it. You sighed and finally sat down on the edge of your rough and dingy bed, before you started to slowly attempt to lie down and get comfy, by the least you could try to sleep...right? You looked up at the ceiling, the ugly ceiling, it was just...trapping. You hated it. It was disgusting... The way it hung over and left you all to be trapped up like this, it was just downright ugly and gross, but at the same time...John. "John...John..." You mumbled over and over again as you started to slowly fall asleep at last, drifting off into the abyss and finally, at last managing to sleep. Your dreams however- were odd, they were more like a memory. The pale white man in the cell back with your father when you were little, you saw him in your dream, when you snuck down and talked to him, he was nice, so incredibly nice. He had no pupils anymore, but you never nagged him about it, you didn't want to be rude like that. One time you brought him a little toy, you entertained him for a while until you accidentally made too much noise, your father noticed and...hit you. Dragged you upstairs, yelled at you and then went back to work as if it never happened. You would never forget that, never in a million years. That's when everything changed after all, that's when he started to get angry at every little thing, that's when your mother went missing and the cat started to moan and whisper begs of help, so it was put down. That cats voice always did sound like your mothers... then came the day you had enough, he was so violent, beat you around every night, tried to brainwash you, you had it, you stole his gun, when he came at you next time, you shot him-dead. You just kept shooting over and over again, until at last, at long long last there was not a single bullet left in the gun, and thank god for that...a few more shots and you could have gotten a much worse charge...but being with John-er-the shy guy...made it better.

"Alright (name) it's time to get up, Dr. Ashton has some questions for you." You mumbled for a moment until you stumbled out of bed and walked up to the men. "Yes sirs." You were finding it easier to obey now for some reason, perhaps it was because you felt like you had a reason here, that might have been it, who knows. But what you did know is that you wanted to see the shy guy again...maybe you could even bring in a toy to entertain him to see if he really was John.... "Hey-get back in line." You blinked as you realized you were swaying to the left, panicked and got right back in the middle. "Sorry..." You mumbled, you were going to go on, but then you realized that they honestly didn't care. Ah, yeah, right. These people are asses. Sometimes you wonder how many people they had shot. You made your way through the SCP containment centre and finally up to that same containment area...and Dr Ashton was waiting. "Hi Paul." You mumbled, knowing that this was going to get deep and disturbingly meaningful very quickly, he seemed to be good at that just for the little time you knew him. He looked back at you with a sigh of relief. "Ah...good, you're alive and fine still, you happen to be a few minutes late- oh and your hair! It looks much better when cleaned up like that (name)!" Oh great, now he was babbling on about you. Geez, he wasn't your great freakin ain't, but you were starting to think he was to be honest. She always went on and on about your goddamn hair. "Alright now...down to business." He suddenly got serious, his eyes were...transfixed on you. "Who is John?" He asked you, causing you to take a step back defensively. "I...I'm not really sure yet, but...I have a very good idea of who he is." You explained, sighing. "Look-I just want to go back and see the shy guy, then I can tell you who John is. I promise." Dr. Ashton gulped nervously, this, this was not a good deal. "I...I don't want to lose you." He mumbled nervously, it sounded like a desperate plea if anything, but you shook your head. "We're here to preform tests, not protect me, right? Come on Paul, just get with it." You growled. And to be honest, you were right. You were fodder, not a special type of person that needed to be saved-dammit this wasn't a free for all. Paul sighed and lowered his head, it felt like an hour before he spoke again. "(Name) really are a brave (gender) aren't you?" He sighed, and started to fish for the gear. You smiled at your victory, it was time to see John.

The door slid open quickly, you felt like there wasn't even any instruction as you moved along, so when you finally saw the back of the shy guy, it was time to preform your own test. "...John?" You said out loud, and the shy guy stood up and turned to look at you in a second. Doctor Ashton was quiet, he was frozen with shock, holy crap, a conversation with SCP-096? John stood up and walked over to you, you smiled and sat down. "John, is it really you? You remember me, right? I kept trying to sneak down and play with you." You smiled, and just like that, you swore you could see John smile, you knew it, that had to be him. You suddenly jumped up and hugged him, you felt him stop moving, until he suddenly wrapped his massive arms around you. You smiled, and spoke again before the room got silent in the odd, strange reunion. "It's good to see you again, John."

Facing the shy guy (scp-096 x reader)(OLD WRITING)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin