Part 31

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Lestrade bursted through the front door, followed closely by Donovan. He aimed his gun, ready to fire.

"Boss, there's no one here. We were mislead." Sally said, putting a hand on Lestrade's shoulder.

"No! We were told that Sherlock was here, I'm not leaving without him." Lestrade argued, looking at the woman. She hadn't seen him this angry before, and was unsure what to make of the situation.

"Then you'll remain here. Please, you're not being reasonable. This is an abandoned cottage, far out of sight of anyone. Why would the freak  possibly be here?" Sally asked. Lestrade looked at her with sad eyes.

"He was here before. The first time we found him after he went missing. He was so vulnerable and small." Lestrade choked out. "I just want to get him home."


Moriarty smiled at the baby in his arms. Sherlock had become the sweetest little baby. Before, he would sway between being anywhere from 6 months to a one year old, but ever since his time in the basement nursery, he's only as old as 3 months, now.

Right now, he was in more of a newborn headspace, unable to comprehend anything past his mummy and daddy, or the state of his nappy.

Moriarty laid him down in his bassinet and removed his onesie, revealing the soiled nappy underneath. Sherlock cried and fussed as Moriarty changed him, and Moriarty shushed him softly.

Once the lad was in a clean nappy, Moriarty left the room to wash his hands, returning swiftly. He  swaddled sherlock to keep him secure and warm, placing a clean dummy in his mouth.

"There there, daddy's right here, lockie." Moriarty cooed. 

Sherlock's crying subsided, and he sniffles softly. Moriarty turned on his baby monitor, and pulled out a small tape. Just like before, it would play as sherlock slept. This one, however, was a special message that Moriarty had recorded just for sherlock.

The tape player crackled gently, and the tape within it began to play.

/"well sherlock, it looks like we've reached the end of our journey. When I first met you, I knew I would have a lot of fun. You tried so hard to resist at first, ever insistent that you were a grown up, but I knew the truth."

/"you were nothing more than a tiny baby that needed to be taken care of, and I was the person to take on that role. I could be a little hard headed, so when I reunited with your mummy, it all fell into place."

/"those nasty boys tried to take you away from me, didn't they? Yes, but daddy got you back home, safe and sound. We have had quite a lot of fun, haven't we?"

/"yes, Sherlock, it's just about over. Even if you wanted to leave, you know you couldn't. Daddy made sure of that, certainly I did. You'll be dependent on nappies for the rest of your life, as far as I'm concerned. Big boy food is far too difficult for you to stomach, isn't it?"

/"from now until the end, you'll need mummy and daddy to take care of you. Feed you, change you, and put you to sleep at night. Yes, you're a tiny little baby, now and forever, Sherlock Holmes."

The tape ended, and the nursery fell quiet. 

From outside the door, Moriarty smiled. No one would ever steal Sherlock from him again. He would remain there from now on, unable to do anything for himself.

As a final farewell, Moriarty decided it best to send a little thank you message to Sherlock's friends.


Mycroft looked down at molly, smiling just a bit. The girl was asleep, dummy bobbing in her mouth. Though he wouldn't be able to care for a baby 24/7, he wouldn't mind babysitting Molly occasionally.

The front door opened rather harshly, and lestrade, John and Mrs Hudson stepped into the room.

Molly whimpered, beginning to stir. Lestrade carefully took her into his arms and held her close. The girl fell back to sleep swiftly, cuddling into her daddy's chest.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to get Molly tucked in." Lestrade said. He left the room quickly.


Lestrade laid Molly down in her crib and smiled.

"There there, baby girl. You stay here while daddy talks with the grown ups." He cooed, leaving the room.


Lestrade returned to the main room and stood next to John.

"What's this commotion for?" Mycroft asked quietly. John held a finger to his lips, sliding a small disc into the tv.

The screen filled with static, when Moriarty's voice sounded into the room.

/"hello, friends of Sherlock. Miss me? I know, I'm being quite silly, but I would like to share something with you all."

/"ice man, doctor, detective inspector and landlady, do not trace this disc, you won't be able to. Just know that I thank each and every one of you for relinquishing the care of Sherlock to myself and my partner."

/"Sherlock is just a baby, and he needs a stable home. He has his caretakers, and soon, he will have his sister."

The noise cut out abruptly, resulting in confusion.

"What the hell does this me-" lestrade began, just before the room went dark. There was a loud crash, directing everyone's attention to the second floor.

"Molly!" Lestrade called, running to the staircase. In an instant, he felt the wind knocked out of him as he was pushed to the floor. He groaned in pain, trying to collect himself.

When the lights came back on, everyone crowded around lestrade. John pulled him to his feet and led him to  the couch, sitting him down.

"Is everyone alright?" Mrs Hudson asked, concerned.

"I suppose. What was all that?" Mycroft asked.

"Did one of you push me?" Lestrade asked, still at loss for an answer.

"No, of course not." John replied. He met lestrade's gaze and the pair made their way upstairs, worried horribly what they might find. They walked into the spare bedroom, over to Molly's crib.

"Hey, sweet girl. Are you alright?" Lestrade cooed softly, reaching into the crib. 

His eyes went wide, however, when he could feel just the mattress.

Molly was gone.

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