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As soft rays of sunshine filled the nursery as best they could through the thick curtains, Sherlock opened his eyes. First, he tested his mobility. It was a bit better than yesterday, but not good enough. Sherlock cursed under his breath.

Suddenly, he was aware of a damp, cold material wrapped around his bottom half. He lifted his head and looked down in horror. He was wearing a nappy. How had he not noticed that earlier? Worse off, he had wet it. What was wrong with him?

The e nursery door creaked open and moriarty approached the crib. "Good morning, little one." The criminal cooed. He reached down to pick up Sherlock. "It's about time you used your nappy. I was starting to worry you'd make yourself sick holding it in. Let's get you changed, and then we'll get some food in your tummy." Moriarty said. He carried Sherlock to the change table and laid him down.

Sherlock started to fuss, trying to get his legs to move. Moriarty grinned. "Is this your attempt at a protest? It's very adorable, but it's not going to work. You can't do anything for yourself anymore." Moriarty cooed down at him, tickling his exposed tummy. Sherlock laughed, but then looked horrified at himself.

Moriarty took this chance and got on with the change, cleaning Sherlock up. He applied some talc and secured a new nappy around his waist. "There we go, all better." Moriarty singsonged. He dressed Sherlock in a navy blue onesie before picking him back up. He carried him down to the kitchen and sat him down in a large high chair. Sherlock frowned and looked up at moriarty. This wasn't the man that he had met. It was all wrong.

Moriarty made a bowl of porridge and carried it over to his baby, setting it on the tray of the chair. He dipped a baby spoon into the bowl and brought it up to sherlocks lips. Sherlock turned his head away.

"Oh, don't do this. You can't very well feed yourself right now. Open up." Moriarty said. Sherlock wrinkled his nose. He would not relent. 

"I'd rather starve." Sherlock told the other stubbornly. He watched Moriarty for his reaction. It wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. Moriarty just set the spoon back down in the bowl and smiled.

"You will sit here until you're ready to behave. If it takes all day, so be it." Moriarty told him. He picked up a clean soother from the countertop and placed it in sherlocks mouth. "Daddy has some errands to run. I'll be back later." Moriarty added. He placed his hand on the back of Sherlock's head and kissed his temple. Sherlock shuddered.

Moriarty grabbed his coat and put it on before heading out the front door. Once he left, the sound of metal clinking filled the house. Automatic bars rolled down to the window sills, locking into place. Sherlock was imprisoned even further. He hated himself for it, but he cried in frustration. The soother fell from its place between his lips and hot tears rolled down his cheeks, pooling beneath his chin, dripping onto his neck and chest.

From outside, moriarty looked down at his phone, where he had surveillance of the entire house. He could see Sherlock in the kitchen, so unhappy. It hurt to see his baby upset, but he needed to learn that there was nothing he could do to change his situation.

He placed the phone back in his pocket and walked down the driveway, getting into his car and driving into the nearest town.


John sat at the kitchen table with a piping hot cuppa tea, trying to wrap his head around this whole situation. Just hours ago, Sherlock had been in his bed, fast asleep, and when John walked into his friend's room the next morning, Sherlock had vanished. It didn't make any sense.

"Oh, don't fret John, we'll find him. It's Sherlock, he disappears all the time." Mrs. Hudson said, trying to ease the man's worries.

"Yes, but he would have given us some kind of sign that he's up to his usual shenanigans. So far, there's nothing." John replied. Mrs. Hudson nodded.

"Well, I'm sure he'll turn up eventually. He always does." The landlady said in return. She thought for a moment before disappearing to do some tidying up.

John put his head in his hands and inhaled deeply through his nose, hoping that Sherlock was alright, wherever he was.


Moriarty returned to the house late that afternoon to find Sherlock asleep in his high chair. He supposed the boy had tired himself out from crying. Moriarty approached the detective and called out softly to him.

"Sherlock, can you wake up for me?" He asked, getting closer. When he was at sherlock's side, he spoke to him again. "It's time to wake up, Sherlock."

The detective opened his eyes and sat up, yawning sleepily. He looked at moriarty and whimpered. His stomach grumbled loudly. Before he knew what he was doing, he reached his arms out to moriarty. The criminal picked him up and rubbed his back.

"What's the matter little one? Did you miss daddy? It's alright, I'm here now." He cooed. Sherlock clung to moriarty tightly. After a few minutes, he calmed down and moriarty placed him back in his high chair. "Are you ready to eat? Daddy will make you something fresh." Moriarty said. He cleared the old bowl away and emptied the porridge into the bin before making a new bowl.

This time, Sherlock cooperated and ate the food gladly. It was humiliating to be spoon fed, but he was hungry. Besides, eating porridge wasn't as bad as drinking from a bottle and sucking a soother.

When the bowl was empty, moriarty cleared it away and picked up Sherlock, carrying him into the living room. He sat Sherlock on his lap and picked up a shopping bag.

"I know you're having a hard time adjusting, but since you've not been trouble so far, I got you a few things." Moriarty said. He watched Sherlock look into the kitchen at his high chair. "Did daddy leave your soother in there? Silly me." Moriarty said. He retrieved the object and placed it in sherlock's mouth, going back to sit on the couch. He settled Sherlock in his right arm and reached into the bag, picking up a plush auburn dog. He handed it to Sherlock, who looked down at it.

The toy was soft and had big round eyes that glinted in the light. Sherlock hugged the dog and looked back up at moriarty. The criminal reached into the bag again and pulled out a soft blue baby blanket. It was larger than most, but just as soft. Moriarty handed the blanket to Sherlock and he held it in the crook of his elbow where the dog plush was.

Moriarty smiled. His baby was the cutest. He stood up and carried Sherlock into his nursery, sitting him on the small rug on the  floor.

"You play here. Daddy's gonna have a shower, and then we'll figure out what to do next." Moriarty said. Sherlock nodded. Moriarty kissed his forehead and left the nursery, closing the door behind him.

Sherlock sat there, testing what his mobility was at. It was much better. If he really tried, he could stand and walk on out of here. The detective slowly got to his feet, a bit wobbly, but he made it. He crept to the door and reached out for the knob, turning it carefully. He pulled the door open and peeked into the hallway. No sigh of moriarty.

Sherlock crept down the hall and rounded to the staircase, going down one by one. When he reached the bottom, he moved into the entryway. Just as he reached for the door, a puff of air hit him in the face. He was confused, and when he took in a breath, promptly passed out onto the floor.

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