Only 2 days remained until the week was over and Sherlock was still regressed. He had seemed better, John had to admit. He was still in the mindset of a baby, but he could say simple words now.

"Good morning, Sherlock." John said, walking into sherlocks room. The detective smiled at him.

"John!" He babbled around his dummy, reaching his arms out to Watson. John beamed. Sherlock was talking again!

"You know who I am, Sherlock?" John asked happily as he picked Sherlock up. Sherlock nodded. "Oh, this is great. Why don't we get you back to your big boy self, yeah?" John said, carrying Sherlock into the living room.

John sat Sherlock on the couch and went to the kitchen to get some tea and biscuits. Maybe this would be what Sherlock to get his head back on right.

"Okay Sherlock, we're gonna eat some food and then we'll see how you feel." John said. He sat on the couch next to his friend and picked up a biscuit, biting it. "What do you want for breakfast, Sherlock?" John asked. Sherlock shrugged. John decided to make things easy for himself and made a bowl of porridge for Sherlock.

once Sherlock was fed, John checked his nappy, which was clean. "Good job, Sherlock. I think you'll be good as new by tomorrow." John said. Sherlock smiled behind his dummy.


Molly was sat in her crib, trying to get out. She could move a little, but she was very wobbly. Molly stood slowly in her crib, using the bars for support. She lifted her leg over the side, moving the other leg up. She sat on the rails, debating if she should jump down to the floor.

The door suddenly opened and moriarty walked in, scooping molly up. He sat her back down in her crib and looked down at  her.

"Baby girl, that's a big no no. You could get hurt. Daddy doesn't want to see you do that ever again, do you understand?" He said. Molly pouted and nodded. "Good." Moriarty said. He leaned down and kissed the top of Molly's head, turning on her mobile and leaving the nursery.

Molly laid down on her tummy and rested her cheek on the crib mattress. She wanted to go home, why didn't moriarty understand it? She closed her eyes and tried to nap, listening to the soothing music of the mobile.

It wasn't working. Molly sat up and hugged her knees, resting her head on them.

Maybe fighting wasn't worth the effort. If molly just played along like moriarty wanted, she would have an easier time with everything. 


Sherlock was very sleepy. He's been up with John, looking at old pictures. He was still in his headspace, but he could at least say John and lestrade's names. The poor kid couldn't keep his eyes open any longer, and he looked ready to cry.

"Alright Sherlock, I think it's time for a nice nap." John said, picking the detective up and carrying him to his room. He removed his pyjama bottoms and checked his nappy. He sighed after finding that it was wet

Sherlock looked up at him with drowsy eyes. He wanted to fall asleep, that's all.

"You did really well, Sherlock. I can't blame you for using this. You're used to nappies, it makes sense that you'd have trouble holding it." John said softly. He trapped a fresh nappy, wipes and got to changing Sherlock.

Once he was in a clean nappy, Sherlock was put in his pyjamas again and tucked into his bed. He sucked on his dummy, and was asleep in no time. John smiled and turned out the lights, leaving the room

Upon entering the living room, he saw mycroft, sitting in sherlock's chair, his right leg crossed over the left and his cheek resting in his hand.

"Mycroft. I didn't think you'd be coming around anymore." John said, surprised. Mycroft looked up at him and gave a small smile.

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