Part 25

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Irene walked back into the master bedroom with a nice warm bottle for Sherlock. She went over to the bed and unlatched the railings, lowering them. She sat next to Sherlock and patted his tummy.

"Drink up, love." She cooed, replacing his dummy with the bottle. Sherlock took a few sips, stopping briefly. "Come on, darling, keep going." Irene encouraged.

Sherlock cooperated, and Irene smiled at him. When the bottle was empty, Irene sat Sherlock up and patted his back, causing him to burp.

"Good job, baby boy." Irene cooed, laying him back down. She popped the dummy back in his mouth, smoothing his hair out. Sherlock gurgled softly, feeling drowsy. Irene scooped him up and held him to her shoulder, rubbing his back.

Sherlock didn't want to fall asleep again, he just woke up a little while ago, but he was so sleepy. He closed his eyes and felt his head drop onto irenes shoulder. She laid him back on the bed and stood up, pulling the railings back up. She latched them in place and turned off the light, leaving the room.


"Molly, it's time for lunch." John called, poking his head into the living room. The small girl said nothing, remaining on her blanket, stuffed toy in hand. John walked over to her and knelt down, reaching out to grab her chin. He tilted her head to look up at him, smiling.

"Not hungy." She whispered, looking down at the floor. John sighed and sat in front of molly, pulling her into his lap.

"Why don't you want to eat, love?" He asked, bouncing the small girl gently.

"Not hungy, unca John." She repeated, leaning against john's chest.

"Alright, we'll wait a little while, and then I want you to at least eat a little bit. The sooner you eat, the sooner you nap, and when you wake up, your daddy will be here to pick you up." John said. This made molly smile, and she clapped. "It must be so awful to be at uncle john's flat, yeah?" John teased in a mock sad voice.

Molly turned and booped him on the nose, shaking her head

"Wuv you too, unca John. Just wike bein home." Molly assured him. It was johns turn to smile.

"Okay, if you say so. Now, why don't you introduce me to your dolls? I'd love to meet them." John said, setting molly back down on the floor. She set out all her dolls in a nice row and told John their names, picking them up one by one.


Moriarty didn't expect it to be so quiet when he got back from the market. He figured Sherlock was napping, but he thought he would hear Irene walking about too.

He made his way upstairs and to the master bedroom, peeking in on Sherlock. The boy was asleep, dummy bobbing in his mouth, a soggy nappy wrapped around his waist.

Moriarty walked over and unlatched the rails, placing them down. He picked Sherlock up and carried him to the nursery. He laid him on the changing table and grabbed wipes, talc and a fresh nappy. He removed the soiled garment and tossed it in the bin, lifting sherlock's legs to wipe his bum. He opened up the new nappy and lowered Sherlock onto it, wiping his front clean as well. He pulled the front of the nappy between the detectives legs and sealed the tapes, picking Sherlock up.

The slight chill of the room made Sherlock shiver, and he opened his eyes. He looked up to see moriarty and smiled.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." He cooed, rocking Sherlock. "I know it's a little cold in here, but daddy will turn up the heat in a minute." He said, walking over to the thermostat. He turned the heat up a few notches, making it more comfortable.

Sherlock looked down at himself and wondered why he was dressed in only a nappy. He would at least want a shirt or a onesie as well, but he was confused.

"You've been a little upset at daddy lately, so I think we just need a good bit of bonding time." Moriarty said, carrying Sherlock over to the rocking chair. He sat down and held Sherlock close to his chest, one hand under his bum, one pressing on his back and supporting the top of his head.

Sherlock slumped against moriarty and sucked on his dummy, resting his head on moriarty's shoulder. It was really comfortable, he had to admit, but he didn't want to fall back into his headspace.

Morirarty hummed softly as he rocked back and forth. "I know that it's hard for you to stay in your headspace, kiddo, but you'll be much happier if you just behave for daddy. If all else fail, I have a very good way to keep you as my happy baby boy." Moriarty said the last part quietly, but Sherlock heard it still.

He whimpered and suckled on his dummy. Moriarty wouldn't do anything to hurt him, would he?

After a good few minutes, Moriarty stood up and walked back over to the changing table, sitting Sherlock down. He placed a onesie over his head and rolled it down, laying the detective on his back. He pulled the flaps of the onesie over sherlocks nappy and snapped them shut, patting sherlocks tummy lightly.

"Alright pal, I think it's just about playtime." Moriarty said, picking Sherlock back up and carrying him downstairs.


Lestrade walked into 221B and looked around, spotting molly and John. They were sitting on the couch, watching tv. Molly had a bottle in her mouth and tilted her head back to take a sip, slumping against the couch.

The girl looked to the door and lit up. "Daddy!" She squealed, reaching her arms out. Lestrade walked over to the couch and scooped molly up, holding her close.

"There's my sweet baby girl. Are you ready to head home?" He cooed. Molly nodded. "Thanks for babysitting, John." Lestrade said.

John smiled. "No problem. We had fun, didn't we, Mol?" John said. Molly nodded.

"Bye bye, unca John." She said, waving. John waved back, and molly and lestrade left the house.

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