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The next morning was like a breath of fresh air for Sherlock. Sure, he couldn't stand being treated as an infant by his arch foe, but he had to admit that being brought out of the nursery for the first time in a day felt nice.

"I have a surprise for you Sherlock. You're gonna love it." Moriarty cooed, carrying the detective into the living room. He walked towards a large exersaucer meant for an addult. Of course...

"No." Sherlock protested, the medicine having finally worn off. Moriarty smiled and placed him in the exersaucer. Sherlock looked up at the criminal with puppy dog eyes and held up his arms to be picked up.

"It's alright, little one. Just try it out, it's fun." Moriarty said, ruffling Sherlock's hair and walking into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Sherlock huffed and sucked on his soother, looking at the selection of toys built into the tray of the exersaucer.

There was a sort of plastic pipe cleaner that could be bent in all directions, a bumpy bit with dots, jagged lines, and squiggles, a knob lit up when it spun, and a little plastic mirror in the shape of a daisy.

Sherlock once more pondered when Moriarty had found all this massive baby equipment. Bored, he peered at himself in the mirror. He really did look like a grown infant, and the thought disturbed him. He still had to figure out a way out of here...

Moriarty walked back into the room and stood in front of Sherlock. "Ready for breakfast?" He asked. Sherlock nodded and Moriarty picked him up, carrying him to the kitchen. "You hardly played with your new toy. That's okay, you'll grow fond of it." Moriarty cooed, plopping Sherlock in his high chair.

He fed Sherlock a bowl of porridge with strawberry and blueberry purée on top, which resulted in a faint purple ring around the detectives mouth. Moriarty chuckled and wiped sherlocks face with a bib and clearing the dish. He returned a couple minutes later with a bottle of formula and placed it in front of Sherlock.

"I think I'll let you hold your bottle yourself. Where would you like to go?" Moriarty said. Sherlock wasn't sure if this was a test or not. "Oh, come on. Do you really think I would trick you" he added.

"Yes." Sherlock said bluntly. He eyed the criminal before reaching out for the bottle, and raising it to his lips. He took a few sips to let Moriarty know his answer. Moriarty smiled and picked Sherlock up and carried him to the nursery, setting him in his crib.

"Alright pal, you stay there and drink your milk, daddy has some work to do." Moriarty said. He turned on the baby monitor and left the nursery.

Sherlock sat there for a moment before removing the lid from the bottle. He drank the rest of the contents and set the bottle aside, quickly replacing the lid. He sat in his crib, unsure of what to do. Sherlock laid down and shut his eyes, in favor of a short nap.

When he woke up, he looked around the nursery. The house was very quiet. He sat up and rubbed at his eyes. His nappy was cold and damp, and it was uncomfortable. Where was Moriarty?

"Moriarty? I- I need a change." Sherlock uttered childishly into the baby monitor. He felt ridiculous, but he didn't know what else to do.

Moriarty didn't come into the nursery as he usually did, so Sherlock called for him again. Still, he didn't come.

Sherlock was getting very uncomfortable and was strongly considering changing himself, but something in his mind nagged at him that he couldn't. The detective laid down on his back and waited for what felt like forever.

After an hour, Sherlock lost it. He started crying in stress, and his bladder released again. Sherlock felt miserable and helpless. He had lost hope in his situation and called for help.

"Daddy!" He wept, his cheeks and face wet with tears. The nursery door opened and Moriarty rushed in, going to the crib and picking up Sherlock.

"Oh, what's the matter, kiddo? Do you need your daddy?" The criminal cooed. Sherlock clung to Moriarty and buried his face in his neck, trying to calm himself down, but it wasn't working. "It's alright. Let's get you changed, shall we?" Moriarty said. He laid Sherlock on the changing table and cleaned him up, placing him in a fresh nappy. 

Moriarty lifted Sherlock again and carried him downstairs. He sat on the couch in the living room and cradled Sherlock. The detective seemed calm now, but his face was still sad. "What is it, little one? Do you want your soother?" Moriarty asked. Sherlock nodded. Moriarty stood and got a clean soother for Sherlock, sitting back on the couch with him.

Soon, Sherlock was feeling better again. He cuddled into Moriarty and sucked on his soother, smiling behind the plastic object. Moriarty comes his fingers through his hair and kissed the top of his head. "Do you want to try your exersaucer again?" He asked. Sherlock shook his head. "Okay, not yet." Moriarty agreed. He adjusted Sherlock in his arms and sat him up. Sherlock pointed to the ground and looked up at Moriarty. "Do'n." He mumbled through his dummy. Moriarty chuckled and placed Sherlock in the playpen.

Sherlock looked around the playpen and found a few different baby toys scattered about. He reached out for a small squishy butterfly with blue and green pastel wings. He squished it in his hand and threw it out of the playpen. He giggled.

"Sherlock, we don't throw things." Moriarty said, picking up the butterfly and putting it back in the playpen. Sherlock picked it up again and went to throw it, but Moriarty looked at him sternly. "Don't do it, Sherlock." Moriarty warned. 

Sherlock didn't listen. He threw the butterfly again, and giggled when it bounced off of moriarty's leg and onto the floor..

"That's a no no, kiddo. Daddy told you not to, and you did it anyway." Moriarty said. He scooped Sherlock up and carried him up to the nursery. He grabbed a pair of thick baby mittens and sat on the rocking chair, crossing his arms over Sherlock, locking him in place. The criminal put the mittens on sherlocks hands and tied them, securing them  in place.

Sherlock whined and shook his hands, trying to remove the mittens. They were stuck. Moriarty tutted and stood.

"You were being naughty, little one. You can either get the muscle relaxant and not move, or you can get the mittens and be able to move." Moriarty said. Sherlock sighed and hung his head, but decided that the mittens were better than the alternative.

"Okay, let's get you some lunch." Moriarty cooed, setting Sherlock in his high chair.

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