Part 27

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Lestrade was enjoying a quiet afternoon with his baby girl, who was currently in a very young headspace. She laid on her back, staring up at lestrade with a smile as she sucked on her soother.

"Are you the cutest baby?" He cooed, tickling her tummy. She giggled, reaching out for him. He picked her up and held her against his chest, patting her bum.

"Let's get you a bottle then, baby." Lestrade cooed, walking into the kitchen. He reached into the cupboard and grabbed a bottle. He went to the fridge and grabbed the e milk jug, filling the bottle and heating it before screwing on the cap. He bounced Molly slightly as he puttered about, kissing her temple.

When the bottle was ready, lestrade carried her upstairs to the spare room. He felt guilty that he didn't have a suitable bed for Molly yet, but he hadn't had time to go out and buy one.

Lestrade sat down in a chair and cradled Molly, smiling at her. When lestrade reached for the dummy, Molly started whining. She seemed reluctant to give it up.

"Daddy's not taking it for good, love, he's just replacing it with your bottle." Lestrade said softly.

This seemed to calm Molly's fears, and she parted her lips cooperatively. Lestrade popped the bottle in mollys mouth, and immediately, the girl started drinking the milk. 

After a few minutes, the bottle was empty, and Molly's eyes dropped sleepily. Lestrade removed the bottle and eased the dummy back into Molly's mouth.

"I think it's time for a nap, sweetheart." Lestrade cooed. He stood up and laid Molly down on the bed, placing her in the middle. He tucked a few blankets in around her, creating a short wall of sorts. He decided that he would start looking for cribs when he got back downstairs.

"Sweet dreams, angel." Lestrade whispered, leaving the room.


After just two days, Moriarty was quiet pleased at the progress Sherlock was making already. He had caught the boy trying to sit up once or twice, but he usually gave up after a minute, promptly laying back down.

Next, he would work on his speech. Sherlock sure liked to talk like a big boy, but that wouldn't do anymore.

Moriarty walked into the small nursery and looked into the bassinet. Sherlock was still fast asleep, kicking his legs lightly. He would need a nappy change soon, but that could wait a few minutes.

As Moriarty reached for the tape, he smiled to himself. He would have the sweetest little baby, and the fight would finally be over. Sherlock would be cooperative, and even if he still had fussy days, those would just be a minority.

The criminal popped the tape into the player and walked quietly over to the bassinet. He placed a hand on the front of Sherlock's nappy. He had better change it now, before it leaked.

"You're much to young for grown up words, Sherlock. I never should have allowed you to speak so freely, or even entertain a coherent conversation with you. After just a few days of listening to this next tape, you'll only be able to produce a gurgle or cry. Before you know it, you'll forget how to talk altogether." Moriarty crooned.

He debated putting Sherlock on the changing table, but the baby looked quite cozy, so he would change him in his bassinet.

Moriarty removed the blanket and undid the tapes, letting the nappy fall open. It squished slightly. Moriarty was just glad the mattress was waterproof.

Sherlock squirmed in his sleep as the cold air hit him, and Moriarty calmed him down.

"It's okay, little one." He cooed, wiping Sherlock clean. He sprinkled him with baby powder and grabbed a new nappy. He lifted Sherlock's legs, sliding the wet garment out from under his bottom.

Sherlock whimpered, daring to wake up. Moriarty was quiet as he balled the nappy up with the wipe inside, tossing it in the  bin.

Luckily, Sherlock remained asleep, allowing Moriarty to place the fresh nappy on him. He taped it up and covered Sherlock yet again with the blanket.

The detective let out a grateful little coo, and Moriarty kissed his forehead.

"Good boy." He soothed, walking out of the room, going to wash his hands. When he came back, he smoother out Sherlock's blanket, tucking it around him once more. The lad was little, but he kicked quite a bit in his sleep.

Moriarty left the room again, shutting and locking the door.


Lestrade closed his laptop and placed it on the table, standing to get a cup of coffee. He finally found a crib that was sure to be a good fit for molly. He wanted it to be soft and secure, so it took a little while to find.

As he sipped his drink, he could hear the baby monitor crackling. He should probably get Molly up from her nap so she wasn't up all night. When he walked into her room, she was still asleep, but looking scared. She must be having a nightmare.

"Sweetheart, it's alright. Come to daddy." Lestrade cooed, reaching out to molly.

"No!" She yelled, eyes closed. She slapped lestrade's hands away, fighting the air.

"Molly, what's the matter?" Lestrade asked. He sat Molly up, scooping her into his lap. He held her arms down firmly and rocked her, shushing her.

Finally, the girl opened her eyes. She saw lestrade and started crying. She put her head on lestrade's shoulder and hugged him tight.

"What's wrong, sweetpea? Did you have a bad dream?" He asked. Molly nodded. "It's okay, love, that's all over now." Lestrade cooed. He rocked Molly, swaying from side to side. 

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