Part 22

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Molly woke up the next morning  with a slight headache. She pressed a hand to her forehead and sat up, yawning. As she looked around sherlock's room, everything from last night came back to her.

She sighed and got out of bed, rubbing her eyes. Ugh, it seemed she had wet her nappy too. She looked around for something to tie around her waist, but couldn't care less. She trudged out of the room and down the hall, where she heard voices.

"I still can't believe you did that." Scolded Mrs Hudson. She was clearly upset.

"It is what it is." Came mycroft's reply. Molly felt a surge of anger. Mycroft had betrayed hos own brother and brought him back to moriarty.

Molly stomped down the hall and into the living room. Seeing mycroft in the flat struck a nerve, and she charged at him.

"How could you?!" She cried. "You let us all down by letting moriarty win! You're heartless!" She yelled. She was prepared to hit him, when lestrade cut between the two of them. He grabbed her wrist and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close to him.

"Let me go, Greg." Molly said, trying to break free from the inspector's hold.

"Violence won't help us, molly." He said, looking into her misty brown eyes. He picked her up and rubbed her back. "Let's go get your nappy changed." He whispered, carrying molly back to sherlocks room.

Molly glared back at mycroft, but didn't imagine she was too threatening, being hauled off like a small child.

Lestrade shut sherlock's door and laid molly down, grabbing a package of nappies and some wipes. 

"D-do I really h-have to wear these?" Molly asked with tears in her eyes. She looked so upset. Lestrade sighed.

"We should get you cleaned up, at the very least. I imagine you don't have much control after being forced to use these." Lestrade said. He removes the used nappy and cleaned molly up, placing her in a fresh one. When it was secured, lestrade sat her up and pulled her close.

"I can't take this much longer. I'm so tired." Molly whispered. She laid her head on lestrade's shoulder. He scooped her onto his lap and rocked with her.

Molly tensed at first, but then relaxed. She felt more comfortable with lestrade taking care of her than moriarty.

After a good few minutes, molly looked up at lestrade. "Umm, I don't know how to say this, but..." she said, pausing. She was really scared to ask this. She took a deep breath and shut her eyes. "I want you to take care of me." She chocked out, all in one breath.

Lestrade was stunned. After what she went through, he thought molly would want to be an adult again, but here she was, looking for a caregiver.

Molly sensed the tension, and was worried she would scare lesteade away. Before she could say anything, he hugged her tightly. 

"I would love to take care of you, baby girl." He said, kissing the top of her head. Molly smiled and hugged him back. He stood up and bounced her gently, making her giggle. "Let's get you home, sweetie." Lestrade said. He walked down the hall and waved to John and mycroft, heading back to his place.


Sherlock opened his eyes and looked up at the high ceiling. He sucked on his dummy and looked around. He didn't recognize this room, and that scared him. He started crying, unsure of what was going on.

He didn't hear the door that creaked open or the footsteps that approached him.

"Oh Sherlock, what's the matter little one?" Cooed a familiar voice. Sherlock opened his eyes and momentarily stopped crying. There was moriarty, leaning over his crib. 

The criminal reached into the crib and picked Sherlock up, rubbing his back and bouncing him gently.

"I've missed you so much, kiddo. Hopefully now you'll stop resisting and be daddy's good baby boy." Moriarty crooned. "Now, let's go get you something to eat." He added, carrying Sherlock downstairs.

Irene was by the stove, cooking breakfast. She turned around and smiled brightly when she saw him, walking up to moriarty.

"Good morning, my sweet boy." She cooed, kissing the top of sherlock's head. He babbled at her,  giving a lopsided grin. "I'm going to go get molly." She told moriarty.

"Alright." The criminal said, strapping Sherlock into his high chair. He went to grab a packet of applesauce from the cupboard, pouring it into a bowl and sprinkling it with some cinnamon.  As he brought it back over to Sherlock, he heard quick footsteps running down the stairs and looked to the entryway to see Irene, panicked.

"Molly's missing." She said. Moriarty's heart skipped a beat. She couldn't be. How would she have escaped? The criminal tried to keep calm as not to upset Sherlock and turned to Irene.

"I'll stay here with Sherlock, you should go look for her." He said. Irene nodded and ran out of the house. 

Moriarty heard the car's engine start and looked back to Sherlock, who was patiently waiting for his food.

"We'll find her, Sherlock, and once we do, little molly will never have a chance to leave again." Moriarty crooned. Sherlock just smiled, unable to understand the words being spoken to him.


Lestrade sat molly on the bathroom floor, running the bathtub's faucet. He adjusted the temperature to warm the water, and added a splash of bubble bath. Molly waited nervously. She wasn't to thrilled about the prospect of someone else bathing her, but would it really be that much different than nappy changes?

"Okay kiddo, let's get you cleaned up." Lestrade said. He picked molly up and sat her down in the tub. He grabbed a washcloth and gently washed her body, feeling that she was a little tense. "It's alright, everything's okay." He cooed, smoothing her hair out.

Molly relaxed, and closed her eyes. Lestrade washed her hair and rinsed it out, draining the water. He rinsed molly off and wrapped her in a big towel, scooping her up. He carried her to the spare room and laid her down, patting her dry. He grabbed a nappy and placed it under her bum, sprinkling her with talcum powder. He pulled the nappy up and taped it closed.

Molly was getting sleepy. She sat up and tried to stand, but she was very wobbly. Lestrade wrapped his arms around her and held her close to his chest.

"Careful, little one. You're still not used to walking." He said softly, sitting molly back down. He grabbed one of his t shirts and a pair of pajama pants. "Sorry I don't have anything else for you. We can stop by your place later and grab some things, okay?" Lestrade said, and molly nodded.

Lestrade dresses her in the clothes and picked her up. It was strange, but molly kind of missed the baby clothes. Why was that?

"Can we get some onesies?" Molly asked quietly.

"Sure, kiddo." Lestrade agreed. He laid molly down on the guest bed, pulling the duvet up over her. "I have some work to do, so you can rest here." He said. He kissed her forehead and left, shutting the door.

Molly closed her eyes and smiled. While she didn't have the same level of secure sleep that a crib would provide, living with lestrade was her choice, and she felt like she could let her guard down. She turned to her side, glancing out the window.

She could've sworn she saw something, but chalked it up to fatigue. She shut her eyes and drifted off, slowly slipping her thumb into her mouth.

Little Consulting DetectiveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora