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About 20 minutes later, Moriarty walked back into Molly's nursery. Her eyes were heavy now, and she could hardly keep them open, but she couldn't go back to sleep.

"Hey there, sweetie. Ready to eat?" Moriarty cooed, walking over to the crib. He picked her up and brought her to the changing table. He checked her nappy, and it was still dry. Molly was scared. She didn't know how she would get through this.

Moriarty lifted her back up and carried her down to the kitchen. He made her a bottle and then carried her to the living room, holding her in one arm. "Open up sweetie." He coped holding the bottle out to Molly. She stared at it, and then at Moriarty. 

"Do you need help, dear?" Came a familiar voice. Molly watched the woman as she walked into the room. She was the woman who brought her here.

"Maybe. She just doesn't want to eat." Moriarty said. Irene smiled down at Molly

"Okay baby girl, come to mummy." She said, taking molly from moriarty's arms. Molly tirade to push her away, but Irene held the girl tighter. "Calm down, sweetie." Irene cooed, sitting with molly in her lap. Moriarty handed her the bottle and she held it to Molly's mouth.

"Come on little one, you'll feel better after you eat." Moriarty coaxed. Molly waited another minute before finally opening her mouth, allowing herself to be fed the bottle. Irene and Moriarty smiled at her.

When the bottle was empty, Irene held molly over her shoulder and burped her. "Can you take her, hon? I have some errands to run." Irene said. Moriarty nodded and took molly in his arms. He held her to his chest with one arm on her back and the other under her bum. "I'll see you later. Bye bye, Sherlock." She said, waving at the boy. Sherlock looked up and waved a couple times before going back to his plushie.

Irene left the hideout, leaving Moriarty with the two babies. Molly started pushing away from him, trying to get out of his hold.

"Why are you being fussy? Do you want down?" Moriarty asked. Molly nodded. "Okay, daddy will put you down." Moriarty cooed. He set molly down in the playpen next to Sherlock and popped her soother back in her mouth. Sherlock looked over at molly and smiled. He crawled over to her and hugged her.

Molly hugged Sherlock back and cried into his shoulder. She was so happy to see him again. Sherlock was confused. Why was molly sad? Now she would get to play with him.

"Oh baby, you're okay. Why don't you play with your brother?" Moriarty cooed, patting Molly's back. She sniffled and wiped her eyes, nodding.

As she and Sherlock played with blocks, molly felt her bladder throb. She held her stomach, realizing it had been a while since she went to the toilet.

"What's wrong, sweetie? Do you need something?" Moriarty asked. Molly rapidly shook her head, getting slightly dizzy. She tried to ignore the discomfort, but it was growing more. She winced and  started tearing up, desperate for the loo. Moriarty picked her up, and she nearly lost control of her bladder.

"No!" She said, pushing away from the criminal. He laid her down on the floor and rubbed her stomach. Molly was gonna lose it. She couldn't use a nappy, that was insane!

"Come on sweetie, it's okay. You'll feel better after you go." Moriarty soothed. Molly tried to sit up but Moriarty pushed her back down, and that made her bladder hurt worse. Realizing there was no way out, molly inhaled and let go, crying as she wet the nappy. 

When her bladder was empty, Moriarty stroked her hair and smiled at her. "Good job, little one. I know that was hard, but you can't hold it in like that. Now, let's get you changed, shall we?" Moriarty said. Molly shook her head again. "You can't stay in a wet nappy, you'll get a rash." Moriarty said. 

Molly sighed and reached her arms out to Moriarty.

"Okay, daddy will change you upstairs. Let's go." He said. He picked molly up and carried her up to her nursery  he laid her on the changing table and  removed her onesie. Molly closed her eyes and braced herself for what was ahead.

Moriarty opened the old nappy and cleaned molly with baby wipes, sprinkling her front with talcum powder. He lifted her legs in one hand and powdered her bum, making her feel cold. When he set her legs back down, her bum landed on a dry and puffy nappy. Moriarty pulled in up over her groin and taped it closed, patting in twice. Molly blushed and squirmed.

"You did so well, sweetie. Let's get you dressed and you can go back downstairs with your brother." Moriarty cooed. He placed her in a clean onesie and picked her back up, carrying her back to the living room. He set her in the playpen and looked at Sherlock. "What about you, bubba? Do you need a change?" Moriarty asked. Sherlock babbled, so Moriarty had to check his nappy. "Yup. Let's get you out of this messy thing, little stinker." Moriarty said. He picked Sherlock up and carried him up to his nursery.

Molly couldn't believe it. Wetting a nappy was more than bad enough, but messing one? She couldn't handle that. She stood and climbed out of the playpen, running to the back door of the hideout. She reached for the handle and as she turned it, she felt a sharp prick in her neck. She felt woozy and everything went dark as she fell on her back, going numb. Her eyes closed, and she lost consciousness.

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