Chapter Fifty One ~ October

Start from the beginning

I furrow my eyebrow at the words, confusion funneling through me. Before I can ask her what she means, she disappears out of the kitchen, heading up to bed and leaving me alone with a full glass of water and my tormented thoughts.


Present Day - October 2028

"Promise me you'll be good?" I plead with Ellis, holding my hands together in front of me as I beg him.

He smirks. "And if I'm not?"

"I'll throw your fucking ass in the trash," I snap and he grins.

"As long as you join me," he answers, wrapping his arm around my waist and making me stumble on the doormat.

"What? No! You're missing the point."

"I think I'm making the most of a shit situation. You can join me in the trash."

"Fuck off. You're so fucking annoying."

Ellis shrugs. "You're the one who invited me."

"And regretting it every. Single. Second," I snap and he smirks once more. "You know what, you should feel privileged to be here. I've never brought anyone else—"

"Rebecca," my dad's voice cuts me off and I turn on my heel, plastering a smile on my face. He's dressed in a formal looking shirt as he stands next to the open front door. I smile at the sight, knowing he's made extra effort to meet Ellis.

"Dad!" I exclaim with a grin. "How are you?"

"I'm good, how are you?"

"I'm fantastic!"

"Haydon told me about your Instagram page taking off. I'm so proud of you," he replies and I smile.

"She's a genius," Ellis pipes up from beside me. Both Dad and I turn to look at him.

"You must be Ellis," Dad exclaims. "It's nice to meet you."

"You too." Ellis grins.

"I have some beers ready for us," Dad tells him. "Come on in."

We both step into the large entranceway, ducking down to remove our shoes as soon as we cross the threshold.

"Becky, your mom wanted some help in the kitchen," Dad says and I pout before scowling.

"Why?" I moan. "I'm an awful cook."

"I don't know. Haydon is in there too," Dad replies. I groan before nodding and head towards the kitchen. I glance behind me to see Dad pat Ellis on the back, herding him into the living room.

I grin. I hope Dad gives him a hard time.


Dad doesn't give him a hard time. In fact, Ellis and Dad are practically best friends by the time we sit down for the pasta dinner that Mom has prepared. They're laughing, drinking beer together. Even Haydon has joined them.

I should be happy. I should be absolutely buzzing that my family loves him.

But this is the first damn man I've ever introduced to them. I expected some grilling, maybe giving Ellis a hard time.

How wrong I was.

I pout, digging my fork into the saucy spaghetti and twirling it around before shoving it into my mouth.

Ellis catches my eye from across the table, a bemused look on his face as he watches me struggle to shove the long pasta into my mouth as elegantly as possible. I roll my eyes at him.

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