Part 16

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as I grow in size the kingdom prepares for another wedding. Pricilla trapped the lord magistrate in her grasp and was rushing down the aisle. she knew that this would secure her sosition both at court and in our own world. she was smiling like a cat as she waltzed into my rooms still my leady in waiting for the time being. 

"oh please let me pick my replacment when need some wicked blood in this place and I can't have you fill your positions with too mant gentiel souls" Pricilla whined 

"you know I have no say on who is sent my father is handeling that" I take my daily dose of essens of magic. there is no evidence that it will increase the power or make magic more likely in the young prince but my father insistend that it may make him a witch that way we can skip a step in the plan. 

"boo, well tell me that we will at least set up play dates with out little ones" it took us all a moment to realize what she implied 

"you didn't" I gasped in the magical world things like relations outside of marrige were not so taboo but the human world likes to pretend they are virtuous. 

"well he was feeling lonely one night and I happened to be at the party and willing to see him to his chambers besides I needed to rush his old bones along. he wasn't getting any younger and he needed an heir. too bad this one is carrying high it is most probably a girl which means I will need to touch his withered old skin again" Pricilla sighed dramatiaclly but at least she confirmed that the baby was infact the lord magistrate's. 

"that is positivly dreadful. I love it" Helena exclaimed 

"I haven't told you the best part" Pricilla gave me a sly glance "on a visit were he was making arangments I purused his family bible and you would not believe was I saw in it. I saw a Saskia Hooggeboren. that name is dutch and translates to highborn. I wrote to my father about the girl and he went to the Highborn family and inquired. low and behold four generations ago when the highborn family were living in the holand area there was a daughter named Saskia that ran off with a human" 

"you jest are you saying what I think you are saying" I asked in amazment at out luck. 

"I did a spell to see if he was a carrier and ladies my dear soon to be husband is infact a carrier for magic meaning that this little girl may very well be a witch" she exclaimed 

"that will mean that you need to tell your husband about magic" Helena said 

"he wants a son so I can't say anything until I give him that once he has a son to carry on his legacy he will be so happy he would lie cheat and steal to protect that little boy. I need to give him a son first and hopefully both will be witches and he will love them even if he does not love me and he will protect me by proxiy of protecting them" Pricilla explained. the realization that for many of the women that come to this country that there will be no love in thier marriage was a real risk these girls were taking especially if the secretes remain between husband and wife. of course our fathers forbaid us from speaking the truth unless absolutly necissary. my ladies continued guessing at the next lady to arrive and about whether Pricilla is carrying a witch. with her wedding day a measly week in the waiting all of us were excited. I went for my recomended walk in the garden. 

"hello beutiful girl" a heavily accented man appeared in my path. I curtsied and attenpted to step around him. perhaps I should have brought my ladies but I was in the royal families private garden I should have been safe. "where are you going beautiful girl" 

"please excuse me my doctor ordered me to walk around daily for my health" I implied heavily that I am unwell and that he should stay away from me. he stepped closer and I backed away this continued until I hit my back on a tree. I was frightened at this point. 

"what illness all I see are beautiful features that I just want to touch" he reached out to touch me in a highly inaproprate mannor. my hand swung out and swatted him away from my face and a scream jumped from my throat 

"help me please someone!" the man leveled his eyes and forced his hand over my mouth. I tried to push him back but he was so strong. 

"no one is coming little princess and I was asked by my cousin to ruin your reputation so this will all be easier if you just stay quiet and let me work. don't worry I'll have you screaming with pleasure in time for the queens daily walk through the gardens" 

I pushed and fought but with my big belly fighting was so much more difficult and without my voice there was no magic to use. his other hand was messing with his own cloths when I managed to bit his hand. he pulled back far enough that is gave me space to run. dispite the weight and how hard it was to move I ran. were men always this rough perhaps that is why she never sought thier attentions. 

"Help! please someone Help me!" I screamed. the man had recovered and was gaining on me. he grabbed my arm hard enough that I lost my balace and slammed into the ground. he took advantage of this kneeing on me and setting back to his own cloths. he did not bother to stop my screaming and begging him to let me go. then as quick as a flick of a writs his throat was slit and blood poured out on me as his body slumped on mine. 

I was histerical and inconsoluble as the guard heaved the mans body off me. the queen silently came to my side but when she touched me I screamed. I didn't want to be touched anymore. I didn't want to be here I want to go home. no one ever hurt me at home. at some point my screams of terror turned into tears and the queen was finally able to hold me as I begged to go home and be rid of this terrifying place. 

Amethyst (A new Kingdom)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora