part 1

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I was not born for this; this was not supposed to be my destiny, but it will be now.

I was in a dressing room to the side of the chapel with my sister Faith as she dressed me in the most expensive purple gown money could buy. Another show to get our family in the door.

"Estella, you need to look innocent, slightly nervous. like a lamb, not like you are planning the downfall of everyone in the room." Faith chided

"I don't think I need to be a lamb," I responded. Why would anyone want a woman who was scared of them. "that sounds far too much like I shall be going to a slaughter."

"come on, it is all part of the plan, sister, and what are we not going to do?" she asked, adjusting the vail and layers of my dress what a flick of her wrist and a word.

"We are not going to ruin father's plan."

"Are you ready?"

"let's get this over with."

Faith opened the door and followed me out, adjusting my train. We stopped in the receiving hall of the chapel to meet our father.

"Estella, are you ready?" he grabbed my arm as if I was going to run, but I took the flowers from Faith. "this is the day, my daughter, the day all our plans are set in motion."

"I am ready, father" the doors to the chapel proper were opened, and I followed Faith up the aisle. At the end is where I would finally set eyes on my husband-to-be, his royal highness, Prince Dimitri of Violencia.

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