Part 15

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I was back in my room sleeping from all the energy used to magically protect the pregnacy and from being pregnant. I didn't notice when my bed dipped with the weight of another or when the voice spoke softly to my belly. I only rose when a hand touched me. my heart rate spiked and a scream escaped my lips as I jumped away from my attacker curling around my baby to protect it. 

with his hands raised in surrender I took in the Prince's form and slowly started to relax. takeing deep breaths. 

"you frightened me" I pressed my hand to my heart willing it to slow. 

"I apologize I just thought that... well that doesn't matter I am sorry for scaring you but I came to wake you for dinner. my father said that you must come and sit by my mother she is in charge of your eating since she has been pregnant before" He stood and teld his hand out to my but I was still hung up on his words. dinner meaning I sleppt the whole day away again eating nothing since brakfast. tears welled in my eyes uncontrolably. what was I doing to my child, I had resolved to take better care of myself therefore taking better care of him yet here I was missing another meal. the tears fell from my eyes and the prince sat back down next to me pulling me toward himself. 

"I am sorry. I am so so sorry" I cried. in letting down the king, the queen, the prince and our baby. the poor thing was human he shouldn't be treated this way who knows how strong a human baby is. 

"it will be alright my mother is no tirent she will be kind to you plus she really just wants to be involved with all the baby preperations." he rocked me as he spoke then lifted me from the bed not caring that I looked a mess "of course it is custum to only put un a single bassenet in the royale nursery before the arrival but apparently my mother said there is nothing wrong with filling the closet with blankets and pillows and stuffed toys in preperation." 

"thank you for being so kind to me I will be better I promise" I rested my head on his shoulder since he still wanted to carry me from place to place. 

"I do have one question before we reach the dining room" he slowed his pace and looked down at me. "when you told Cora that you loved me did you only say it to hurt her or do you actually..." 

"I was taught that there are many kinds of love. the love of a parent to a child is the first we feel, then if we are lucky the love between siblings, following is the love of a friend. then finally you experience the love of a lover. but all are powerful in thier own way. so I love my father and my sisters and my friends. I love you as the father of my child, I believe that we could love eachother as friends. but I don't love you in a romantic sense" I hoped he was not angered by my explanation. 

"good becuase I feel very similar I just did not have the words as you did. I would very much enjoy a friendship between the two of us" he increased his pace and smiled down at me "in fact I wish you to be my closest friend since you will be the closet person to me" 

"that shall be easy since you insist on carrying me room from room" I laughted "I seem to always be the closest to you" 

"and perhaps as my friend you can teach me to do my paperwork as well as you did it" he sighed but still had that smile on his face. the guards opened the doors for us to enter the dinning room. "you see dear Estella I grow tired of hearing my father compare my work to yours" 

his father barked out a laugh and slapped his hand on the table "then perhaps you should work as hard as she did" the three of us laughed much to the confusion of the rest of the table. I was placed by the Queen with the prince on my other side and my sister across from me. she reached out her hand to me and I gladly held it in my own. 

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