Part 20

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the prince was insufferable, he hovered over me as if I was made of glass. part of me liked it having him this interested in me but it was inconvenient when I needed to talk to my ladies. 

"I have hinted and asked as much as I can Ziv is not talking on the man who attacked you all I know is that they are not considering the two events related since the prince killed the first guy" Faith said. Lira was staring at a sheet of music not listening to a word we said which was easy for her since she arrived after the attacks and is already engaged after playing at an event apparently a minor lord fell in love with her voice and wrote the letter asking for her hand before he even spoke to her. Lira had her head in the clouds about everything so her only stipulation was that she have all the instruments and music she wanted to which her lord heartily agreed. 

"you are getting closer to your due date and no one knows who is after you" Helena slammed her hand on the chess table in exclamation. we decided to teach ourselves chess for a distraction. "all they have done is try and stop the last attack with the guards but what if they attempt to get to you differently what then"

"the bigger issue is the threat in the letter" I said all my ladies that are witches knew what I meant but with cora here we needed to talk in code "I just feel like I need to talk to the prince about it get everything out in the open" 

"yes please distract his royal highness with your worry about someone calling you names. it isn't as if they aren't true since you are a man stealer" 

"I think it is best to tell he everything I am ... feeling" the girls eyes widened 

"wouldn't it be best to wait until the babe is born there is just so much stress at present" Faith glanced around having so much to lose as she and Cora are the only ones in here with no proposals. 

"she has made up her mind nothing will change it except an order from her father" Helena sighed "just be sure you are ready for any consequences of bothering his highness" 

"please since she became pregnet he would rather cut off his own arm that lay it on her" Cora laughed in her chair that she was drapped across in an unladylike mannor. I walked to the door feeling that this is the right thing to do rather than wait for whatever threat was coming my way by someone who knew my secrete. I would rather tell him than have it used against me. I was walking the halls in search of the prince with my trusty guard in toe when I saw the queen walking with a tray in her hands.  

"your magisty" I attmpted a curtsy but I am far to big to get low to the ground 

"please dear girl dont stoop" she placed the tray on a nearby table "oh you are practically glowing with health and to think you looked like death not to long ago" I nodded my head in thank you. my necklace started to get warm on my neck it was distracting enough that I lifted it in my hand thinking of investigating before I remeber the queen stood before me. 

"are you alright my dear" she looked at me concerned 

"just a tickle" I played off my necklace by rubbing my throat "I was looking for the prince" 

"we can't have you getting sick" she placed her hand on my head and smiled at me "there is no fever, but why don't you have a cup of tea. I collected this from demerti's room moments ago. it was strange he wasn't there but the tea is still warm like it was delivered to the wrong room. or more likely he ordered it and got distracted by something. he is always on the move that boy he has so much energy" 

"that he does" I took the cup she handed me and it was still warm but not nearly as hot as my necklace which was scolding me the closer I brought the tea to my mouth. I put the cup down and the burning receeded. 

"he was always such an excitable boy too" the queen was about to drink the tea she seemed to not notice me placing mine on the tray. I reacted by instinct and smacked the cup from her hands. she screamed in shook, guards where on us in an instance along with the prince and the king. "why did you do that?" 

"it is posiened I know it sounds crazy but it didn't ... smell right" I swore. the prince pulled me to the side and called for the doctor while the queen stared on in disbelief that I smacked the cup out of her hands that is until someone looked at the spill on the floor leaching the color out of the rug. 

"oh my lord" the Queen gasped and threw herself at her husband. the prince held me tighter "I got that from Demetri's room"

"someone tried to kill my son and almost killed my wife" the king bellowed "find whoever it is if you have to tear this castles down to do it" 

Amethyst (A new Kingdom)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin