Part 5

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The prince tightened his grip on Cora as she looked at me. I would have confused her face for fear if I did not see her judgment behind her eyes. She compared my appearance to hers and found me wanting. It pleased her that her body and looks were superior to mine; she had ink-black hair tumbling down her back and around her round face. Her dress drew your eye to her round breasts and hips, full and round. I kept my hand out to her; surely she is smart enough to know her choice right now is between the king and me. 

"Right, thank you," Cora breathed out, looking at the king and prince. They were their own story; I could do nothing to stop their storm brewing. 

On my way out of the hall, I acquired Nema to help me. She trailed me silently as she was supposed to, but I always knew where the castle servants were.

we entered my chamber and closed the door. "Nema, would you be so kind as to find Cora something to wear for the ball? perhaps in Dianna's clothes." Nema looked between Cora and me before taking her leave. Alone, I was alone with my husband's lover. 

"I'm not leaving him" she crossed her arms, staring at me in defiance. 

"I never asked you to" she needed her hair fixed and make-up done; it was smeared and tossed probably by the prince. "sit, let me fix you up before the gown arrives." 

"you don't want me to leave the prince" she hesitantly sat at the dressing table, looking at me in the mirror. I reached for my own brush and set to taking out her pins. 

"want in one hand... sorry, do I want you to be with my husband? No, I do not. Do I understand that he was forced to marry me and truly loves you? Yes, I understand that? which makes me the other woman as far as I can tell." I sighed; dear lord, this fake caring made me want to roll my eyes, but this girl was eating it up, nodding in indignation at me being the other woman. "I wish for you to understand I was forced into this as much as he was. I never wanted to destroy your love, and I am not trying to take your place." 

"oh, I guess I never thought about that" she watched as I carefully bound her hair before moving to her face. she was gorgeous "so you don't want him?" careful she was fishing 

"I wish to find my place in this castle since this is to be my home. I hope that one day, the prince and you will not see me as a threat to your relationship. perhaps we can even be friends." incredulous her eyes widened, unsure if I was that innocent or not, darling I may look like a kitten and sound like one but a lion is cornering you. 

"I see," she looked at her face in the mirror, "thank you for helping me. I think I want to be friends" Nema came into the room with one of Dianna's gowns, a light green colored one. It would go beautifully with her pale skin and dark hair. My dress was the opposite of a dark blue same as my eyes showing off my golden hair. Nema even threaded gold into my hair to make it shine. 

"you look lovely," I said to her as we turned to leave, but I halted as if nervous and nodded for Nema to walk ahead. "I have one request of you, my new friend" her eyes shined, eager for me to owe her something.

"anything," she breathed. 

"Since you have the prince's favor, I pray you ask him not to jilt me so publicly. I can handle him loving you and not me but the public displays; please, you must understand" build up your opponent, so they think they have power over you. Then when they least expect it pull the rug out from under them. 

"I shall ask, but I fear the public jilting is more against his father than you. He may not be so inclined." 

"but if you ask surely, he would do it for you. He loves you," and if he doesn't, maybe you will start questioning if he does. 

"consider it done, friend" that conniving look entered her eyes as we left my room. She was up to something, and I knew just who to ask about it. When we entered the ball, everyone stared they were not expecting us to be friends, but that is how we entered laughing and smiling. 

"I must go to my seat, but please, you can sit with one of my ladies in waiting, Helena; I'm sure you will be fast friends" in a whisper, I added, "and this keeps your father at bay," she gave me an appreciative look as I walked her over to Helena. The prince made a move to go to her, but the king stopped. Helena and Pricilla gawked at me shook my head. We will discuss this later. Then I returned to my seat on the prince's side. 

"apologies for the wait, your majesty, but it takes time for us girls to look our best" Rachel nodded at me, and so did the king. Prince Dimitri sat facing forward. 

The conversation broke out everywhere during the meal. Helena may not know why but she knew that she was to befriend Cora, and so she did. The king started talking to his wife, and I figured now would be a good time to try and talk to the prince. 

"Cora is a nice girl, I see..." his vicious gaze met mine, and I cowered back in show; people noticed, Cora, noticed. She stared open mouth at his display. 

"do not speak about her." he snarled at me. the king cut him a harsh glare before looking at my father

"I... a... apologize I was just trying to talk to you, g...get to know you," I responded; the stutter I added may have been too much. 

"stop cowering, sit up straight," he growled out. The king pulled the prince's attention, and they had a heated debate over me. Just another part of the plan, making his father care about me and my wellbeing. once he sat back down, he turned to me probably to do some fake 'I'm sorry.' 

"don't bother. I know you don't mean it," I hissed out, too quiet for anyone but him to hear. I held my scared little girl pose for the crowd. "but you should think twice before treating me that way. I saved your girlfriend from being sent home with her father when there was nothing you could do to save her. I did. See her over there talking with my friends. That is my protection" he followed my gaze to Cora talking with Helena. 

"I could have handled it," he ground out.

"Please, that girl was a minute away from being shipped to a far-off land and never heard from again, I saved her, and for retribution, I think that we should get to know each other. You will dance with me at this ball and all future ones since I can't dance unless I dance with you first. after that, you can be with your Cora." 

"that is it?" he raised his eyebrow in question.

"no, you will make time for me daily to get to know each other. We may not be lovers, but I see no reason we can't be friends since you are stuck with me as your wife. now what time would be convenient for us to meet." 

"not daily. I have responsibilities" he glanced at the king and Cora, a defeated look in his eye.

"I do not wish to take her place. I understand that you love her, and I can respect that but is it possible for you to consider that I am not the threat to your relationship. that I was forced into this just as much as you were" 

"every other day, after dinner for an hour," he agreed. 

"well, then, prince, let's dance, shall we" I held my hand out for the second time that night. 


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