Part 11

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Demetri and Cora fought all day about me and by the end of the night they made up. Cora demanded that he never see me outside of the arrangement he made because he would not break his word but she was still unhappy about that. she was also calm because she figured one time was not enough for me to get pregnant since she was having such trouble. 

the Prince true to his word only saw me at the arranged time and we had very few conversations. if he saw me coming in the hall or at a meal he would quickly make an excuse to leave. 

as Demetri was pulling away so were my girls. they had their missions and were on the hunt to catch a husband. even Faith started spending a lot of her time with Ziv. I couldn't begrudge them just as I couldn't begrudge Dianna but I felt this distance growing in my life. 

I stopped talking at meals and no one noticed. I stopped coming to them as well and again no one said anything. I found excuses to skip parties and events my favorite reason was headaches which were more true than not. I started rising later in the day and finding it hard to sleep at night. 

next, I started to get sick my body ached and I was vomiting all the time which was odd because I never wanted to eat anything. I was getting dizzy from my headaches. I spent all my time in bed. no one noticed, I was beginning to realize no one cared. I had done my job I was carrying the heir now they had better things to deal with. 

Nema was the one who forced me out of bed, she was not successful at first but she said all this laying around was bad for the baby. fearing that I would lose it I rose from the bed after nearly three months of falling Nema helped me rise. she was dressing me for breakfast when we realized none of my clothes fit properly because of my three-month baby in my belly. we had to make due for today and she was going to get clothes for me to wear in the future. Nema was taking my care into her own hands by making me a schedule to live by. the first thing on her list was to go to the breakfast hall and try to eat something. she had to support me on the way down because I was so weak and dizzy. we were at the door and my whole self wanted to turn back. I heard so many people in that room. 

"Nema I can't do this" I cried a little as she held me. 

"You are the same girl who walked down the aisle with no fear. you are the same woman who did the prince's work impressing not only the king but also his advisers. I know you are in a strange place and have been treated poorly, but that baby needs the woman I'm describing to protect him" Nema gave a great speech 


"my mother told me we always assume the baby is the next heir to the throne unless shown otherwise" Nema opened the door and we walked in. the sudden silence was deafening. 

eyes all turned in my direction as I wrapped my arms around my bump. Faith was sitting with Ziv and she dropped her fork at the sight of me. the King, Queen, and their brood of children stared openly. Cora and the prince froze midsentence. Nema was right I needed to be strong so I walked to a part of the room that was empty and had a seat. servers we setting up a try for me when Nema took control removing all the things with strong scents she knew how sensitive I am to that. I was staring at the scene I didn't notice the queen had come to my side. 

"oh, my dear" she reached for the side of my face but didn't touch me. her eyes filled with concern "is that my grandbaby?" 

"yes, your majesty" I nodded. tears filled her eyes as she ran her hands over my belly. 

"and from that morning?" I nodded as she marveled at my growing baby. the king rose from his seat and started towards the prince but he was already on his feet. 

"I am sorry for what is about to happen my dear" the queen rose and caressed my cheek. she backed up a few steps 

"IS THAT MINE!" the prince boomed the rest of the way to me. he was furious I backed away from his anger. Faith tried to run to my side but Ziv held her back, I thank him for it. 

"Yes your highness, three months ago we... and now well" it was the best explanation I had anyone could see the evidence. 

"she is lying it isn't that easy" Cora let out a wild scream


"Demetri, please" 

"she is a liar and she is manipulating you" 

"leave my sister alone" 

"Enough" the king announced everyone froze at his command and looked to him to be the judge. "I will talk and you all will listen" 

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