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Micah P.O.V
It had been a few weeks since Luna left, and i missed her badly. I tried not to think about her too much, but it was hard not to. She was my girl.

I had pretty much been staying inside the house. Not going out when Desean asked me. Not going out Enzo asked me.

I didn't go to the escape room either. I had just been making up excuses as to why i couldn't go and for the most part they seemed to work. It's just so much work to leave the house. I was back at home too. Apparently they had found the people that fucked with his spot, so now we could go home. There shouldn't be anyone else trying to beef with us.

I heard a knock on my front door, making me sigh and stay laying down. Maybe if I don't move, they won't hear me and then they'll leave.

Of course that didn't happen. The knocking on the door continued in a rhythmic manner, making me sigh and cover my ears. I don't feel like socializing today.

I felt my phone vibrate and Enzo's name flash across my screen.

Fuck bro.

"Hello?," I answered with a sigh.

"Can you come open the door?,"

"Enzo, i don't feel like socializing,"

"You don't have to. I just wanted to bring you some food I cooked,"

"I'm not hungry Enzo, i already ate. Appreciate it though,"

"Did I do something wrong?,"

"Nah man, i just want to chill and be alone,"

"I mean yea, but you've been doing that everyday for the last couple of weeks and you spun me for the escape room,"

"Am i not allowed to do that?,"

"You are, my bad. I'll leave you alone," He spoke and then hung up. I put my phone in personal mode and sat it on my bed.

I feel bad now. He didn't do anything to me and I'm taking it out on him.

I got walking to the door quickly and opening it up, seeing him in front of his apartment unlocking the door.

"Yo! Wait," I said to him making him, turn around and look at me. 

"Yea?," He said looking at me, but remaining at his door.

"You wanna come in?," I asked him opening my door for him.

"It's fine man, I'll leave you alone. I'll just go play the game or something," He replied opening his door.

"Come on Enzo, I'm sorry man. I just haven't been in the best mood lately, but i want you to come in," I said to him, waving him over. He nodded his head, closing his door back and locking the door, before walking over to me and coming in.

"Let's go to my room," I told him walking to it and letting him in. I closer my door after us.

I laid back down in my bed, watching him as he stood there.

"You can sit down if you want," I told him smiling, as he sat the bag that had my food in it down.

He sat down on my bed, not saying anything, making
me look up at him. He was looking straight ahead, just sitting there.

"Are you ok?," I asked him, wondering why he was so quiet.

"Yea, i just don't wanna say the wrong thing, and have you kick me out," He spoke chuckling.

"Why would you say the wrong thing? And I'm not gonna kick you out man, you missed me or something?," I asked him making him laugh a bit before shrugging.

Hood Baby II: Starting OverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora