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Marcus P.O.V
Desean would forever be my baby. He was the person I was gonna grow old with. Now I know he was with Keon, but that wasn't gonna last long. At all.

Desean was a sweet person, so he often times let people walk all over him. Like his parents. According to him, like Keon lately. All it took was for me to come around so he could start talking to his own boyfriend crazy. He was pushing him away and didn't even see it. He was talking to him however he wanted, knowing he would just take it because he didn't want to be mean or be alone. It's not like he would though, he always had me.

But as of late, he stopped talking to me. I'm order to make Keon happy, he had decided to follow through with his wishes of blocking me. That didn't stop me from going to his crib with food and chilling for a bit. Micah lived there too, so there was nothing Keon could say. Even if he did, was I supposed to be scared? I was in the game any more, but if I wanted to I could still make some shit happen. I handed the whole business over to Titan. Now initially he had sworn to stay out of that life after what happened.

He promise he wouldn't step foot in that world again, yet here he was. When he came to me at first, I turned him down trying to keep him out. He listened to me, but still talked about it. Once I sat him down and we had a long convo, he convinced me to give it to him. Convinced me that he was ok and was capable of running the business. He told me he was a grown man and could make his own decisions and I respected that.

So I gave it to him.

Maybe I should have gave Desean that same respect and let him decide on if he wanted to be with me or not. I took that from him and just left. I was wrong.

But now I was trying to fix it and I was over that. What happened in the past happened. I can't change the past.

We would be together soon enough.

Today was going to be a bit of a chill day for me. I didn't have anything to do, so I had plans of just chilling. I would love to be chilling with Desean, but he was with his "boyfriend" and was trying to stay loyal to him. Whatever that meant. It wasn't like we were fucking. I know he probably just felt guilty because he wanted to fuck me.

He graduation was coming up too and I was definitely going to be there. Whether his boyfriend cared or not, I was going to be there. I had a gift for him too.

A really big gift that I think he was going to love. I know he was going to love it. I wasn't doing this to make him leave his boyfriend either, this was something I had already planned to do, before he even got with him. Well that was only if something else didn't work out. I had also been doing something else.

I'd been paying his rent. Well for this month at least. It was the first month I had thought about it, so I did it. I was going to do it every month after that too. I want the money he makes to go I to his pocket and whatever else he wants. I got his bills. I did t care that MIcah lived there either. Micah was like my little brother so helping him out was no problem either.

I know Desean didn't know yet, because if he did he would be calling me to cuss me out. "Why did you do that? I Can take care of myself!"

Well he doesn't have to when I'm around. I got the money and I got him.

I wish I wasn't blocked right now, because I would definitely call him to come over and hang out. I missed his little cute ass. I didn't want to pop up over there today and get him in trouble with his boyfriend. I knew they were together since he posted a pic of them laying in bed on his story. They cute.


Knock. Knock. Knock.

Fuck is that?

I got up walking to my front door, wondering how someone even got in my gate. That means it must be...

Hood Baby II: Starting OverOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz